Chapter 25: Trip To Miami And Orlando

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As I got out of the tub I put my clothes on. Then my stomach started to feel weak and felt like I had to throw up. Then suddenly I threw up.

I got up cleaned my face and brushed my teeth. I started thinking about if I was pregnant or was it possible for me to get pregnant. Then I thought to my self again that Shun and I only had sex twice.

I got dressed got the hotel key and I was out the door. I told Kyla to meet me at Walgreens. If I am pregnant ill be afraid to tell Shun because I don't want him thinking about me and the baby. I want him to focus on on basketball and I'll just have to dance the second semester of school senior year.

I pulled up to Walgreens praying and hoping that I'm not pregnant. I know I should go to the doctor but I hate doctor offices. You get more sick when you go and make your sickness you already have hard to get rid of.

Kyla: hey boo what's up

Me: I think I'm pregnant.

Kyla: Bitch what?

Me: I knoww. I already feel guilty. But I'm hoping and praying I'm not.

Kyla: What if you are?

Me: Then imma just keep it to my self then tell Shun.

Kyla: Hell nawl. You gone tell him right away. Y'all are too cute of a couple to be fighting over dumb shit.

Me: True.

After our talk I went in the Walgreens bathroom and peed on the stick. I never thought I'd be doing this at this time of my life.

Then you gotta sit here and wait a hundred years before the test processes. God just take me now. Because I know if I'm pregnant my ass is grass.

I looked at the test and it said negative. Thank God. Hallelujah.

Kyla: What it say?

Me: Negative.

Kyla: Won't he do it?

Me: Yes guhh. Oh shoot come on we can't be late for dinner.

I was doing 80 trying to get to Dolcè Italian on 1690 Collins Ave, Miami Beach FL. I finally made it. When I walked inside everybody was just sitting down.

Thank God, I'm on time.

Me: I'm here.

Trey: Boy where have you been.

Me: I had to go pick up some stuff. When is tee tee Jariyah coming?

Trey: She just landed, she's on her way here now.

Me: Yayy, I'm so excited to see her. It's been so long.

Trey: Ikr.

Me: Right.

Shun: Hey bay.

Me: Hey. (Kiss)

Shun: I just keep on meeting the family huh, lol.

Me: I guess so, lol.

Jariyah: I'm herrre.

Me: Tee Tee!

Jariyah: Mari look at you, you done growled up, and who is this.

Me: This is my boyfriend Shun.

Jariyah: Nice to meet you Shun.

Shun: Nice to meet you too.

We sat and ate. Catching up on stuff. Then all of a sudden I got quiet. I knew I had to tell what happened earlier.

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