Chapter 47: Family Dinner

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I woke up put my clothes on and was headed to breakfast.

Mari: (Whispers to Shun) Baby get up and get ready...breakfast is dawn stars.

Shun: (Stretches and yarn).

I went down stairs to go eat breakfast and when I got down stairs, Amonji was here. He must've  dropped his brother off at school already. Idk.

Amoji: Hey Mari where is that BestFriend of mine at?

Mari: Hey, he getting ready for school. Why what's up?
Amonji: I just needed to talk to him that's all.

Mari: Is everything ok?

Amonji: Something like that.

Mari: Oh ok well I have to leave life...ill see you guys y'all.

Monji & Trell: We love you too.

On my way to school I stopped at Starbucks to get me a latte. I know y'all wondering why I didn't wait for Shun or why i didn't let Shun drive me. It's because I don't want to always depend on him all the time for my responsibilities.

I guess that's a good thing I guess I don't know. I just like driving my dad's car. I met up with Kyla in the hallway and went to first period. I wasn't feeling band practice morning.

Kyla: Hey boo.

Mari: Hey guh.

Kyla: How's the Fam.

Mari: Everybody?

Kyla: Yup.

Mari: One half is good and the other half is well let's just say it's not good.

Kyla: Oh ok. Well it will get better.

Mari: True...lets go to 1st period cause you know Mr.Vazquez don't play.

Kyla: Ikr..he know he one fine looking young man.

Mari: Guhh, don't he. Lol.

Kyla: Lol yous a mess.

Dang the tardy bell rung. Me and Kyla started power walking

Mr. Vazquez: Y'all are late.

Mari & Kyla: Sorry Mr.Vazquez.

Mr. Vazquez: It's ok...have a seat.

Don: I know you tripping today Mr. Vazquez.

Mr. Vazquez: He has all A's Mr. Smith.

That boy gets on my nerves. I fuck his life up. Anyway.

Mari: Kyla?

Kyla: What boo?

Mari: We having family dinner tonight.

Kyla: You want me to come.

Mari: Of course...your family guhh.

Kyla: True...what time?

Mari: me on the house phone off.

Kyla: Aww boo...why.

Mari: My step dad is mad with me cause I haven't been home in 2 months.

Kyla: But you happy staying with your father and brother.

Mari: I am but I wanna move in with Shun.

Kyla: Well ask Shun to pay it for you.

Mari: I want to ask him but idk.

Kyla: Ask him and see what he say...or just ask your dad.

Mari: It's stressful.

Kyla: True...but I'll see you at family dinner later.

Mari: Ok boo.

Today went by fast. I drove the long way home to think about some stuff. I know I have people who can pay my phone bill but it's not Shun's responsibility or my farther's.

I'm glad that I have a good man in my life. I made it to my farther house and waited for Shun to get home from basketball practice. They be taking forever.

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