Chapter 65: Dallas Texas

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I got off the plane and gave Tez a hug and a smile. A few minutes after he left he texted me.

Text Convo

Man For Now: I'll see you later tonight😉.

Me: Can't wait😊☺️😉.

End Of Text Convo

This is going to be a good trip. I started walking off and before I could walk off good Shun grabbed my waist really tight and it hurted.

Shun: Let me tell you one damn thing. If you every disrespect like that again, you'll never see day light again.

Mari: You hurting me.

I said with a tear falling and sniffing a little bit. After we left the airport we was headed to the hotel. We were staying at the Hyatt Regency Downtown Dallas.

We checked in and we splited to our rooms. The White & Gold Gala wasn't until tonight so you know what I was about to do...sleep.

Kyla's POV

I was in my hotel room all alone. Everybody is all booed up and I'm just here all alone. I got up and put on my white strapless bootcut romper and my gold sparkly heels. I put on my make up and took my pin curls down.

After 30 minutes of getting ready I started taking pictures on my phone and put 1 on Instagram. After that I got a text from Mari.

Text Convo

Mari: Where you at? We waiting on you.

Kyla: I'm leaving out the room now.

End of Text Convo

I left my hotel room getting on the elevator headed to the lobby.

When the elevator doors opened I could see every body talking to each other in their own groups. When the the elevator dinged everybody looked at me. You know how they do it in the movies.

Everybody stared at me in excitement. I started walking where they was at and they just started bowing.

Mrs. Ashley: You look so beautiful darling.

Kyla: Thank you.

Mari: You better slay BestFriend.

Pj: You look amazing.

Shun: Wow.

Trell: Now that is what you call the definition of Slay.

Monji: You done showed out.

Kyla: Thanks, that means a lot coming from yall.

Pj: Ok you guys it's time to go. The limo is waiting.

We got into the limo and we was off to the Gala. I was on my phone the whole ride there because everybody else was so in love.

Mari's POV

I felt so sorry for my BestFriend. She will find somebody sooner then she thinks.

Shun: Baby I'm sorry.

Mari: I'm sorry too.

Shun: There's just been a lot on my mind.

Mari: Like what?

Shun: I ran into the Golden State Worriers coach a week ago. I didn't have to introduce my self because he already knew who I was. Before I could say anything he told me that he had my Draft on his desk.

Mari: So what did he say?

Shun: I'm a Worrier now. But I'll have to go to school online.

Mari: O-oh. I'm happy for you. You made me proud. Worked hard for us.

Shun: Man hell yeah. I wanted to be with you forever and start a family.

Mari: I'm so proud of you.

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