Chapter 30: Going Back Home

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I woke up feeling sad because this morning is our day going back home. I can't believe we stayed 2 whole months in Miami.

It was much needed for me and Shun because we're still building our relationship were we can trust each other.

Me and Shun took our baths last night so we didn't have to take a bath. As I was brushing my teeth there was knock at the door.

(Answers door)

Tay: We leaving in a minute.

Me: Ok we'll be done in 30 sec.

Tay: K.

As my step daddy left, Shun was rising from bed.

Me: GoodMorning baby.

Shun: GoodMorning boo.

Me: I'm ready to get back and start school.

Shun: Me too.

Me: Are you going to church Sunday with us.

Shun: Yeah.

Me: K.

All I could think of is when we we get back to school we got band practice all week. I know it's gone be even harder when when we go back because of the fact Of basketball practice.


As we were walking through the airport a lot of people wanted to take pictures with my dad. After that was over we took our seats on the plane.

I sat by the window and Shun sat beside me.

I was do ready to get back home. A smooth plane ride is all I'm asking for.

Hoping that this school year be drama free. No mess no nothing just a smooth sail.


I was so glad to be back in California. Senior year starts in 2 days. Senior night is the same day. I am so excited.

We dropped shun off at home. I needed some rest for church and school. I guess I'll go to sleep now


I was getting dressed for church. You can't rush fabulous so I was taking my time. We was already 10 minutes late. As I walking to the car Everybody was already in the car.

Me: Dang y'all act like y'all couldn't wait on me.

Trey, Tay, & Shun: We couldn't.

Me: You can't rush fabulous.

Trey: Where it at though.

Tay & Shun: (Laughs).

Me: What's funny? I am fa-ine, okay. Let's not do that.

Trey: I'm just joking baby

We pulled up to church and it wasn't that many cars as like usual.

We too our seats and sung with the choir.

Pastor Johnson: GoodMorning church.

Church: GoodMorning.

Pastor Johnson: Amen, God has show nuff been good to me. I'm not going to keep church long today. I just want the choir to sing and heal each of you by singing.

Church was surprisingly great today now it's time for me to get ready for school tomorrow. Where does the time go.

I get a text from Kyla.

Text Convo

Kyla: We nade it boo.

Me: I know. I'm ready to get it over with thought.

Kyla: True.

Me: I was thinking about college in church today.

Kyla: What about it.

Me: That it would only be right if we go to the same college.

Kyla: Rightt. But we will talk about this more when tomorrow at lunch.

Me: Ok boo.

End Of Convo

I got a long day ahead of me tomorrow.

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