Chapter 62: Meeting Shun's Family

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I was walking with Kyla and my phone started ringing, it was Shun.

Phone Convo

Mari: Hey baby, what's wrong?

Shun: Hey, nothing much. Moms cooked and she was wondering if you were coming over?

Mari: Baby, I don't feel like it. I'll have to drive those long 2 hours.

Shun: Please baby. My older brothers Devin and Leon is here and I want you to meet them.

Mari: That means I have to cancel the rest of BestFriend day.

Shun: Please baby.

Mari: Okay fine. Imma keep what I got on though.

Shun: Baby okay, just hurry up.

End Of Phone Convo

Kyla: Mari are you listening?

Mari: Huh, oh sorry baby girl i gotta go. I'll FaceTime you later boo.

Kyla: Oh no mam, we agreed that today was BestFriend day.

Mari: I know but, Shun older brothers are home and they wanted to meet me.

Kyla: (Evil Stare) Tell Shun I am pissed at him.

Mari: Lol okay.

I was on my way to Shun's mom's house and to be honest I don't how this is going to go. This will be my first time stepping foot in this woman house. I don't really know her like that either.

I just know of her. I pulled up to the house where I saw Shun's car parked. I got out and ran the door bell.

Mrs. Loretta: Who is it?

Mari: It's Omari.

Mrs.Loretta: Hey baby, Shun is waiting for you.

Shun: Hey baby.

Mari: Hey.

Mrs.Loretta: The food is almost done.

Shun: Ok ma.

We sat in the living room until his brothers showed up.

Mari:What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm not the best fit for you.

Shun: Baby calm down, my brothers aren't like that. They laid back and down the earth.

Mari: They better not give me the shade eye either.

Shun: Rofl. Boy if you don't stop.

Mrs. Loretta: Shun, go open the door. Your brothers are outside.

Shun: Yes mam.

When Shun opened the door two tall light skinned brothers had walked in. I started getting nervous cause got damn they were both fine as fuck.

Shun: Devin and Leon, This my boyfriend Mari. Mari these are my older brothers Devin and Leon.

Leon: Sup shawty?

Devin: Sup doe?

Mari: Hey.

Mrs. Loretta: Food is ready.

We all went to the table and sat down.

Leon: So Mari tell me about yourself and the interests you have for my brother.

Mari: I um, my family is very wealthy. I want to go to college to be a professional dancer. I have a 3.4 GPA and that's about it. My interests that I have for you brothers is beyond this world. The way he carry his self. He's sweet, loving, caring, and most of all he is always there when I'm down. No one can ever take his place in my heart.

Leon: Lil bro you got a good one I see.

Devin: So what college you going too.

Mari: UCLA.

Devin: Oh that's what's up. So you are coming to my son's 3rd Birthday Party tomorrow right.

Mari: Sure I don't see why not. It'll be great to see my lil nephews any ways.

Leon: Dang Shun, Shawty ain't even married to you yet and he already claiming his nieces and nephews.

Shun: Shut up, Mari just has a good heart.

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