Chapter 57

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I did not want to do anything today. I'm tired of the arguing and fighting. I'm also tired of the lying. I'm just over it at this point of my life. Sometimes I wanna ask my self what's the point.

Graduation is 2 days away and I'm excited. Imma miss this place. Hopefully after college I will have my own dance company and hopefully my baby will be drafted to the Golden State Warriors.

I got up took my shower and went down stairs to eat breakfast. I was surprised by Shun being here so early in the morning because of the fact he hates waking up early on the weekends.

Pj: Everybody put a move on it. Suit fittings are in an hour.

Mari: Dad you really didn't have too and do I really need to wear a suit's just graduation.

Shun: Yes baby, you do...I don't want  you going in there half stepping and have people talking bout "Oh that's how he let his boyfriend go out in public". No sir.

Mari: Okayy, can we go now.

Pj: Boy if you don't stop acting like a brat.

Mari: (Rolls eyes).

After the fitting I texted Kyla and told her to me at 12 at the mall to get mani pedi's.

Text Convo

Mari: Meet me at the mall around 12.

Kyla: Aight.

Mari: We gotta talk too boo.

Kyla: Why what's wrong boo? Are you and Shun ok?

Mari: No were fine. I'm just scared. Gotta 2 go. I'll see you at the mall.

Kyla: Okay boo.

End Of Text Convo

After we left the store we was on our way back to the house. When we get there I got in my car and was finna leave until my dad stopped me.

Pj: Son, where are you headed?

Mari: I'm meeting Kyla at the mall to get mani pedi's.

As Shun went in the house my dad came closer to my car.

Pj: What's wrong with Shun?

Mari: Dad, I don't even know. Every time I would ask what's wrong he always pushing me away.

Pj: It's part of life. When you leave for college, don't make me have to come to Mississippi and put something on yall asses.

Mari: Yes sir. Can you talk to him for me.

Pj: I'll see what I can do.

Mari: Thanks dad.

Pj: Be careful.

Mari: I will.

I pulled out and I was gone. I got on the freeway and started doing 75. I got off at my exit and I was around the corner from the mall.


I was walking in the mall looking for the nail shop. I know it's in here. Oh there it is. I walked in and Kyla was already here on here phone in a chair.

Kyla: Bout time bitch.

Mari: I wasn't taking that long. But any ways we gotta finish talking.

Kyla: True, so what is it you scared about?

Mari: What if I mess up and Shun find him a boyfriend while we are in college.

Kyla: Nobody's perfect and plus if you do mess up Shun ain't going no where. He might stay mad but he ain't crazy.

Mari: You are so right. Did you get you letter?

Kyla: Yass boo. J-Settes here we come.

Mari: Yes mamm.

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