Chapter 31: Senoir Night

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•Monday Morning•

I know how excited I was about this day to come but I'm kind of skeptical of this day because it's gonna be another rerun of last year. Shun not being around scares me.

I got up took my shower and got dressed. I put all of my leotards in my band traveling bag. I went down stairs to eat breakfest.

I ate breakfast and I was headed to the bus stop. I hated the days when Shun don't pick me up. My morning ha sent been going right at all.

I just want to break down. As I was walking through the hall ways I met up Kyla and Shun.

Me: Hey bay. Hey bestfriend.

Kyla: Hey boo.

Shun: Hey shawty.

Me: Well I'll see you guys at lunch and Senior Night.

Kyla & Shun: Ok.

Since today was Senior Night we had a half of a day. So much stuff is going on and I don't understand or know how to talk about it. Story of my life.

We was practicing stands and practicing the performance for Senoir Night.

As we was getting ready to go home, Amonji stopped me.

Me: Sup Amonji.

Amonji: Sup. I was wondering if you wanted to hang with the basketball team after Senoir Night. We planned to go out to eat.

Me: I don't know Amonji, you know some them hate me. I don't even know if Shun want to go.

Amonji: He said he was coming.

Me: I don't even know if he want me to be there. He didn't ask me.

Amonji: Oh...well um, ok?

Me: Yeah...but thanks for the invite. You guys have fun.

As I was walking off I begin to cry. Then Aj was walking up. I hurried up and tried to wipe my face but he caught me.

Aj: Aww what's the matter with the baby. Did his man break his heart.

Me: Aj can you find somebody else to mess with because I am not in the mood.

Aj: Yeah what ever. You'll be crawling back to daddy when he breaks your heart.

Me: Keep dreaming.

I walked home and as soon as I got there I ran up stairs and put my face in my pillow.

I knew this would happen. As I was thinking my phone started to ring. It was Kyla.

•Phone Convo•

Incoming Call (3:05)

Me: Hello.

Kyla: Hey boo.

Me: Hey.

Kyla: What's wrong, it sound like you've been crying.

Me: I have but I'm ok.

Kyla: Oh well, you are coming the basketball players dinner tonight right?

Me: I didn't get an invite.

Kyla: (Gasp) Shun didn't ask you?

Me: Nope, so I think after Senoir Night imma just come back home.

Kyla: Aww, and you can't go without a invite. I'm sorry babe.

Me: It's ok boo. He got now and after Senoir Night to ask me.

Kyla: True, I hate he haven't asked yet. Everybody gonna be there.

Me: I know I hope he will ask me soon. But I'll see you later.

Kyla: Ok.

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