Chapter 15

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It's Monday morning and I am tired...I won't get to see bay today because of basketball. But I was hoping he would come meet me at band practice today.

I was headed to 1st block and Kyla met up with me.

Kyla: Hey boo.

Me: Hey.

Kyla: Where's Shun?

Me: They had practice today. They have a game Thursday and I want to go and surprise him but I don't have a car so

Kyla: True...your dads play too much.

Me: Ikr...I can't even believe that my dad is even getting married again.

Kyla: Right.

Me: Yeah boo.

First block was going by so slow. I just want Shun right about now because he's the reason why I can get through the week.

Culinary usually be the fastest class but not today. I guess it's because we're making cakes and it takes time. I can't wait for this wedding. My dad's are so excited.

It was now 3rd block and we was on our way to lunch. I sat at the table with Kyla, Tron, Alex, and Shannon them. I went to go sit down and they were already talking because they get to lunch before I do. Shun too.

I was at the table being quit because they knew about me and Quan dating. Tron, Alex, and Shannon them were messy so I didn't want to slip and say the wrong thing around them about me and Shun because that's just how messy they are.

Quan was coming our way. The fact the he knows that I do not want him is irritating.

Quan: What's up shawty.

Me: I am not your shawty so stop treating me like I'm one of your side hoes.

Quan: You and old dude better watch out. If you don't be with me I will make your life hell.

Me: Well then make my life hell then because I will not be with you. Get that through your head. Good bye Quan.

I was on my way to band practice and Shun texted me telling me that he wont be able to come see me practice because their coach taking them out.

I going over stands and some marching routines and our band director told us he didn't want us to practice so hard today.

So I was walking on my way home. I didn't feel like taking the bus so I took a stroll. Suddenly I saw two guys walking up to me smiling and licking their lips at me.

I started to run but the tall light skinned dude tripped me. I started sliding back because I was scared.

Quan: I done told yo lil ass...y'all go tie his ass up to the bed for me.

Me: Quan if you rape me I swear to god I will fuck you up.

Quan: Shut the fuck up lil bitch (Smack).

I started crying. As they were tiring me up Quan told them he had first hit then they could get some of me.

I knew then I was finna get raped.

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