Chapter 61: Getting Things Back To Normal

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As I finished putting my clothes in the car I made sure I had everything and was ready to go. Kyla had received a Scholarship to UCLA as well and she decided to go there too. At this point if my life I don't care where I go. I just want to be around my friend and my man.

A few days later I received a Scholarship to UCLA and I was happy. I woke all the way up to the scent that I was used too.

Shun: GoodMorning Baby.

Mari: GoodMorning.

Shun: So you know we tour the campus today and I think we should dress alike today.

Mari: We can. It's all about you.

Shun: Its about both of us baby. I want both of us to be happy and plus I think it's better if we didn't do the long distance relationship.

Mari: You got a point baby.

Pj: (Knock Knock) Come down stairs and eat breakfast.

Mari: We'll be down in a sec.

I got up before Shun and I went to go put my thin white t on that showed my 6 pack and some Nike fleece shorts with my Nike flip flops.

I went downstairs to see everybody waiting for me and Shun. I sit down on the bar stool waiting for the rest of the pancakes to be done.

Kyla: Yall fucked last night didn't yall?

Mari: Shhh...yes how could you tell lol.

Kyla: Cause that booty down spread.

Mari: Rofl...ikr. He can lay the pipe.

Kyla: I'm pretty sure he can. But look, it's time for y'all to get married.

Mari: Get married? Ain't it's too early to get married right now.

Kyla: Man hell no.

Pj: (Clears Throat). I didnt know that we were keeping secrets. Let's all hear the convocation.

Mari: It was nothing dad. The pancakes were good ma.

Ashley: Thanks baby.

Pj: So, what's the plan for today?

Kyla: I don't know Mr. P. I guess tour campus get a bite to eat and head home I guess.

Mari: Same:

Shun: Yup.

Trell: So have any body seen my boyfriend.

Shun: The last time I seen him was after graduation.

Trell: I've been texting him constantly.

Shun: I'll go find him.

Mari: Come on Kyla. We finna go to the mall.

Shun: Not like that you not.

Kyla: Oop (Whispers to self).

Mari: Dad?

Pj: I'm not in it.

Mari: Ma?

Ashley: I'm not in it baby.

Mari: Lets go Kyla.

Shun: I'm not playing.

Mari: Mann, hold on Kyla. (Stomps up stairs)

I went up stairs and put on a fleece jogging suit and then Shun had walked in.

Mari: What?

Shun: I'm sorry, but I didn't want you leaving outta here like that.

Mari: I see you don't want nobody else looking at your goodies.

Shun: Hell nah. But go ahead and enjoy your day baby. ( Kisses Mari's forehead)

Mari: K.

Shun's POV

I left Mari's house and went home to make sure my family was doing ok. I got out my car and went to the front door. I pulled my house key out and opened the door.

I walked in the kitchen where I saw my mom cooking my favorite. Pasta Alfredo I with chicken, crab, and shrimp.

Shun: Hey ma.

Mrs. Loretta: Hey baby, go get washed up...dinner will be ready in a minute. Ask Omari if he wants to come over.

Shun: Yes mam.

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