Chapter 51: Prom Part 2

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I got out of bed to go take my bath. I got in the water and it was hot. I took my bath and got ready. I took my phone off the charger and I was out.

I walked down to lobby and I was greeting by one of the hotel's bellboy.

Bellboy: Hi my name is Justin. Mr. Williams wanted me to give you this rose while you enjoy your evening sir.

Mari: Thanks Justin.

Justin: Your limo is waiting on you.

Mari: Thanks.

I walked out side the front door of the hotel. I walked up to my limo and the driver opened the door.

I got in and waited until the driver got back in the car.

Driver: Hello I'm Austin. I'll be your driver for the day. Is there anywhere you will like to go.

Mari: Um yes. Can you take me to Mélisse on 1104 Wilshire Boulevard.

Austin: Ok.

I sat back and smelled my rose. It smelled so good. I poured me a glass of champagne. Everybody knows the only champagne I drink is Dom Pérignon.

Austin: We're here sir.

He opened my door and I got out.

Servant: Hello you must be Mr.Anderson. Mr. Williams said this is your favorite place. I'm Pierre.

Mari: Hi Pierre and yeah this is my favorite place to eat.

Pierre: Well right this way. We already know what you want...your food is already waiting for you.

Mari: Can I get a bottle of red wine.

Pierre: That's already there too.

Mari: Oh well alright.

I got to my table and I started to pull my chair out. But Pierre popped my hand.

Pierre: We do everything for you.

Mari: Oh ok.

They sat me down and I started to eat. I really haven't had time to text or call any body. I been so spoiled in one day.

I finished eating and I left. I got back in my limo and went back to my hotel room. The next morning was prom so I wanted to be well rested.

Justin: Your back so early Mr. Anderson.

Mari: Yeah...prom is tomorrow. My check out is tomorrow also.

Justin: Oh ok...well I'm actually off the clock. Take care.

Mari: You too man.

I got to my hotel room and flopped right on the bed. My feet was even hurting. Then I heard knocking.

Who could this be.

Mari: Who is it.

Lady: Personal pedicure.

Ok so I thought I was finna go to sleep but I guess not.

Mari: Can you keep it manly as possible.

Lady: Ohkay.

After my pedicure I got in the bed and went to sleep.

•Prom Morning•

I got up really early because my haircut appointment was at 9:00. I took my bath and was out the door. Javion cuts my hair. DJ don't like him cutting my hair because he thinks he likes me.

I got my hair cut and I was on my way back to the hotel.

To Be Continued

In Love With Mr.Right: Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now