Chapter 71: Thanksgiving

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•Thanksgiving Morning•

I wanted to sleep until the food got done but mom wasn't having that. I got up and did my morning hygiene and went down stairs. Shun went home to spend time with his family and to invite them over later.

I get down stairs to see my family and thinking how thankful I am for them. The only two people missing was Shun and Kyla.

Mari: GoodMorning family.

Pj: GoodMorning son.

Ashley: GoodMorning baby.

Trell: GoodMorning Brother.

Mari: Do need help ma.

Ashley: No baby, I got it...thanks though.

Mari: You welcome.

Since my help wasn't needed in the kitchen today I guess I'll go by Shun's Mom house to see her and his brothers. I took the longer way just to jam because I live for long rides and good music.

I pull up to Mrs. Loretta house and got out the car. I went up to the door and ringed the door bell and Mrs. Loretta opened the door.

Mrs. Loretta: Hey baby. Come in.

Mari: Hey. Thanks. I was just stopping by and showing my face.

Mrs. Loretta: Well I thank you baby.

Shun: You drove by yourself baby.

Mari: Yeah I did.

Shun: You could've rode with me or I could've came back and got you.

Mari: It's okay. I'm here now babe. Where's Leon and Devin.

Shun: They went to go pick up the baby.

Mari: Oh okay...well tell them I came to see them but they weren't here....I'm finna go finish my rounds.

Shun: Okay baby...what time dinner starting?

Mari: At 5:30. Everybody is welcome.

Shun: Okay baby.

Mari: Bye Mrs. Loretta.

Mrs. Loretta: Bye sweetie, see you later.

I left Shun's Mom house and headed back home to get ready because it was close to time to eat. I pull up to my house and greeted all of my family that came from Mississippi and Atlanta. They was staying until Sunday.

After saying all my Heys and giving all my hugs, I went upstairs to get ready. After getting ready I took a picture and posted it on Instagram and Facebook.

I went back down stairs to talk to everyone and catch up.

Nolan: What's up cousin?

Mari: Nolan!! No one told me you was coming. How is everything?

Nolan: Everything is good...and yeah I wanted it to be a surprise.

Mari: I'm surprised lol. How's the dating life going?

Nolan: Its going good. Me and my boyfriend been good. Just taking it day by day.

Mari: Nolan what? I'm shocked. When did this happened?

Nolan: A year ago.

Mari: Wow. Is he nice. Are y'all interested in the same things?

Nolan: Yeah. He's really sweet.

Mari: That's good.

Ashley: Nolan and Mari, can you two help me set the table?

Mari & Nolan: Yes mam.

We set up the table and now it was time to eat. We All sit down at the table all leaving the 4 chairs down from me empty.

Pj: Where's Shun Mari?

Mari: I don't know...he should be here soon.

We get ready to say grace and Shun comes in and come sit by me.

Shun: Sorry I'm late everybody. I had to go pick up something.

Pj: It's okay.

We said grace and now we had started eating and and giving thanks to each other.

Shun: I have an announcement to make.

Kyla: Hold it. Sorry I'm late. Y'all know traffic in L.A is terrible. But I'm here.

Shun: Mari can you stand up for me please.

I got up and did what I was told not knowing what was going on.

Shun: Baby I want you to know that I love you. I thank God for you everyday. I cherish our love and loyalty for each other. When I first met you I knew you were the one for me. Your personality, your everything means so much to me. You changed my whole life. (Getting on one knee.)

Kyla: Gasp, OMG.

Ashley: Gasp, My farther Jesus.

Monji: Gasp.

Trell: Gasp.

Pj: (Smiles)

Nolan: (Smiles)

Shun: Mari will you marry me?

Mari: Yes. I'll marry you.

Shun: (Place ring on his finger and give him a hug and kiss.)

Everybody: Yayyyy!!!!! (Shouting and clapping.)

Mari: Thank you baby.

Shun: You welcome baby.

Kyla: Now it's wedding planing time.

Mari: Right boo.

Kyla: I'm so happy for y'all.

Mari & Shun: Thank you.

This has been the best Thanksgiving ever.

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