Chapter 43: Atlanta

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I wish they would stop looking at me for answers to their problems like I'm still trying to work on my relationship.

Kyla: Hey boo.

Mari: Hey guh. I'm sorry if I been ignoring you but those 3 be working up my nerves.

Kyla: I understand but when we get to the hotel we going to the pool so we can have happy hour and look at cute men.

Mari: Yass boo.

We got on the plane from our delay and I let them 3 sit on same row and I sat 2 rows behind them with Kyla. I need a break.

I laid my head down on Kyla's shoulder and went to sleep.

When I woke up we were in Atlanta. The plane ride wasn't bad at all. I got in the car with dad, momma, and Kyla.

I wasn't being mean but they just need to talk...I don't wanna be in that mess. We get to hotel and got our hotel keys and I got to the room and changed in to my swim trunks with no shirt on.

Happy hour at the pool started at 4 and it was now 3:58. Shun and them saw and asked me where I was going and I told them that I was spending time with my best friend at the pool.

Shun didn't like that but i didn't care. It's me and best friend time.

Mari: It's some cards in the room to keep y'all busy while I'm gone and if y'all hungry eat some gummy bears or something.

Shun: ( Smacks lips) Mann.

Mari: Love you too.

Me and Kyla ran to the elevator. I had to get awayy. Me and Kyla sat under the this patio like area with a two long couches and a table in the middle.

Kyla: Ohh boy look to you right...You see that fine brotha over wait he coming this way how I look?

Mari: You look nice as act like you know.

Guy: Yo, What's up shawty?

Bitchh, my heart just melted.

Mari: Umm. Um. Nothing much I guess. We just over here chilling.

Guy: Oh ok cool. My name is Austin by the way.

Mari: Nice to meet you Austin. Do you happen by any chance that people tell you that you are fine?

Austin: Everyday of the week.

Mari: Well it's because you are. Fix it Jesus.

Austin: (Chuckles) Y'all stay around here?

Mari: Boy I wish.

Austin: (Chuckle).

Kyla: I'm sorry but can you excuse my friend. He had a little bit too much to drink.

Austin: It's cool. I'll give you guys my number so we can hang out.

Mari: Thanks.

Austin: You welcome shawty.

Kyla: What are you doing?

Mari: Having fun did you see them abs. They was gorgeous.

Kyla: You sleeping in the room with me tonight. You done had extremely too much to drink.

Mari: I am perfectly fine.

Kyla: Ok if you say so. Let's go put our feet in the water.

That Austin guy was fine as fuck. I would be with him if me and Shun wasn't together. We even took a standing picture together. I posted it on Instagram and I got 5,000 likes. I captioned it as My New Best Friend Is Fine As Fuck. His tanned silky light Caramel skin just gave me life.

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