Chapter 23: Trip To Miami And Orlando

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Shun: Bay get up its 6:30. I already have your water ready.

Me: Thanks you mind carrying me to the bathroom please?

Shun: Yo ass bet not be heavy...I'm just playing. (Picks Up Bay)

Me: Thank you baby. Your the best.

Shun: I try. Well imma let you take your bath and find you something to wear then imma go load the truck up.

Me: Ok baby be careful.

Shun: I will bay.

Gotta love that man(In my Vivica Fox voice)

I finished up taking my bath and I dried off. Then I went to go get dressed. I'm still sleepy but I'm glad I don't have to do much.

My dads are already ready and they were sitting in the living room.

Me: GoodMorning Dads.

Trey: GoodMorning.

Tay: GoodMorning.

After we ate our breakfast we was on our way to the airport to catch our flight.


We go to the Airport and and as we walking in...our flight was being called. We walked to to our gate and gave the Flight Attendant our boarding passes and we was on our flight.

As soon as we got on the plane and sat down...Shun was already knocked out. I guess I'll get on Facebook and Instagram.

I sat by the window and Shun sat on the outside. I then laid on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. Y'all just don't know how much I love this man.

We have a delay in Memphis so that give us a chance to grab something to eat cause I'm hungry.

•Delay In Memphis•

Me: Bay wake up...we in Memphis.

Shun: (Yawn and Stretches) Ok shawty.

He grabbed my hand and led the way. My dad gave me 20 dollars so I could go get me something to eat. I didn't want any of the plane food. I wanted some McDonald's.

Shun had to go use the bathroom so I went ahead and ordered our food. I already know what he wants. I ordered our food and was headed back to where my dads were.

I gave bay his food and he ate.

Tay: Y'all are just too cute with this shit.

Me: Rofl...thanks daddy.

Shun: Thanks.

Tay: Your welcome. So what are you guys planning on doing when get to Miami.

Me: I don't know. I was gone go to the beach and chile and when we go to Disney World me Shun was gone do our thing and y'all do y'all thing.

Tay: Sounds good to me.

I still don't know what's been up with Shun. He was supposed to tel me the last day of school but he didn't. I don't think he forgot or just don't want to tell because we did have a lot of stuff going on so he probably just forgot at the time.

We rebored the plane and I sat by the window again. Shun wrapped his arm around me and we were both knocked out.

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