Chapter 45: Drama In Atlanta

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I knocked on Kyla's door and she took too long to answer but finally she did.

Kyla: What's wrong with you, what are you crying for?

Mari: Shun is just getting on my nerves. Like he always nagging about shit. Maybe I need to find somebody else.

Kyla: You shut the hell up right now. You are making the wrong mistake of your life. Get your fucking act together. I am not playing. You need to apologize to him.

Mari: I will when he apologizes first.

Kyla: Well I'm staying out of it.

I went and latex in the other in Kyla room and then there was a knock at the door.

Amonji and Trell walked in.

Mari: What's is going on?

Monji: Shun is going crazy.

Mari: What the hell!

I got up and ran to the door. I checked in my pockets for the the key...thank God I had it. I opened the door and there was water in the jacuzzi tub with rose petals in the water.

Shun: Baby, Don't say nothing. Just let me take care of you.

Mari: Why you being so nice now.

Shun: Can I just love on my boyfriend...Dang.

Mari: Ok Shun.

I let Shun bathe me and next thing you know we're making love. It was now 5:00 Sunday morning.

Shun: GoodMorning boo.

Mari: (Yawns) Morning bay...what you doing up so early?

Shun: Nothing...just thinking shawty.

Mari: Oh...about what?

Shun: Oh nothing in important shawty. Don't worry about it.

Mari: think your family would be ok if I moved in with y'all.

Shawn: I'll ask...but I'm pretty sure they'll be ok with it.

Mari: Ok.

Shun: But don't you need to be moving in with your farther and and step mother so that you and Trell can grow y'alls bond with each other.

Mari: Amonji has him busy every minute of the day...but I'll talk to him about it.

(Knock knock)

Shun: Who's at the door early this morning.

Mari: I don't know but I'll get it.

Shun: Mari chill out I got it.

Pj: Bout time y'all opened the door. What y'all doing?

Shun: Nothing just woke up.

Pj: How was y'all little get away?

Mari: Fun and stressful.

Shun: I agree.

Pj: Is Everything ok with you too boys?

Mari: Everything is great pops. Do you think dads would be ok if I moved in with him?

Pj: I don't know...but I thought you wanted to spend more time with your brother.

Mari: Why is everybody saying that? Shun has my attention right now. I'll talk to him about it

Pj: You are gonna make him sad.

Mari: He has Amonji in his life. He doesn't need me anymore dad.

Mari: I'm staying out of it...but just talk to him and see how he feels about so that y'all won't be angry with one another.

Mari: And what if he says he still want me to stay with you guys.

Pj: You'll know where your heart is when you think hard about it. It just haven't hit you yet.

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