Chapter 21

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School ended really fast today. I was so ready to turn up for the summer. Hopefully my dads let Shun and Kyla come too.

I took the bus home so that Shun would have time to get ready so he wouldn't be late. My dads hate when people aren't on time.

I got home and pulled my clothes off and turned the shower on. I washed my body and put on something quick. Meaning some joggers and a shirt with some socks.

It was now 6:30 and I heard the door open. I ran down stairs. I didn't know if I could hug him or kiss him grab his hand or anything.

I grabbed his hand and led him to the table.

Me: Dads, Shun is here.

Trey & Shun: just in time.

Everyone sat at the dinner table. I didn't feel like eating so you know I was on my phone strolling on my news feed and on Instagram.

Me: Shun, that's my dad Trey and my step dad Tay. Dads this is Shun, my boyfriend.

Trey: Nice to meet you.

Tay: Nice to meet you.

Shun: Nice to meet y'all too.

Tay: So tell me about your self.

Shun: I'm 19, I play basketball, I wanna play NBA Ball for the Los Angeles Lakers. I'm gay, my family is wealthy and thats about it.

Tay: That sounds pretty interesting son. So what's your intentions with my baby.

Shun: Um...Nothing really. I'm just in love with him. He's somebody I can talk too. If I need anything he's there. I appreciate him for what he do and what he about. He my lil shawty.

Trey: Why you so quiet Mari?

Me: Oh nothing I'm just sitting here listening.

Trey: Oh ok.

Me: May I be excused...I gotta use the bathroom.

Trey: Take your time.

Tay: Don't break his heart Shun. You will regret it.

Shun: Oh no sir never that. I can't lose him. I'm in love with him.

Me: Ok I'm back...what I miss.

Trey: Nothing.

I'm nervous as hell because i don't know if my step dad is going to really like him like he said he would. What if im falling in love too quick. I love shun so freakin much like y'all just don't know.

Me: Well you guys we today has been wonderful and awesome but I'm pretty sure we need to let shun head back home.

Tay: Are you kidding me it is midnight. You don't want your man traveling at this of night. I told him he could stay over until Friday.

Me: When did this happen?

Tay: When you were in the bathroom.

Me: Oh well alright now.

Tay: ok you two can be excused and have fun but don't be being bad up there because just cause y'all almost grown I will still take off my belt.

Me: Yes sir.

Shun: Yes sir.

Me and Shun got up stairs and I closed my room door and locked it.

In Love With Mr.Right: Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now