Chapter 64: Traveling To Dallas

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It's now midnight and I'm ready to start my vacation. My father just told me that after our 5 days in Dallas, we were going to New York for 5 days. For my purposes only because I love dance.

Everybody stayed here and took a nap until it was time to go after they went home to pack. Dad locked up the house and we got into the black Tahoe's.


We unloaded the trucks and went into the airport. We went through airport security and was on the plane. I sat at the window and before Kyla could sit down this fine light skinned dude sat next to me. He was tall and bright just like Shun.

Guy: Mind if I sit here.

Mari: My BestFriend was going to sit there, but I may have to reconsider. Name?

Guy: I'm Trontez. And yours?

Mari: My name is Mari.

Tez: Nice to meet you. So do you want me to move.

Mari: nice to meet you too and no not at all.

Tez: Thanks shawty.

Mari: You welcome. Do you mind if I lay on your shoulder and go to sleep.

Tez: Nah.

Mari: Thanks.

He smelled so damn good. I couldn't control myself.

Tez: I'll wake you up when we depart in Jackson Ms.

Mari: Okay.

Shun's POV

Shun: Kyla aren't you supposed to be sitting with Mari?

Kyla: He's sitting with some fine ass boy.

Shun: Who?

Kyla: Shun, idk. I'm trying to sleep. Something you need to be doing too.

I know I need to stop snapping on Mari before he thinks I'm being mean to him.

After my thoughts I finally went to sleep.

Amonji's POV

Trell: So why have you not returned any of my calls or texts?

Monji: I been busy.

Trell: Doing what?

Monji: Look, I am tired of you trying to have a leash on me 24/7. I am trying to live a little bit. I see you every other day.

Trell: Just say you don't want to be with me, it's simple. Don't hold on. You know what I am done.

Amonji: Ok, be done then. That's the best thing you said all day. How about we not be around each other on this trip.

Trell: Sonds good to me.

•Plane Departure •

Mari's POV

Tez: Wake up shawty, we in Jackson.

Mari: (Yawns & Stretches) Thanks for waking me.

Tez: No problem. I'll see you in a few on the other flight.

Mari: Ok.

I started walking to go get a doughnut and milk but Kyla had stopped me.

Kyla: That boy know he is fine. Those eyes is just, damn. That is pure heaven right there.

Mari: That he is.

Kyla: I heard Monji and Trell arguing the plane, you might wanna talk to your brother.

Mari: I'm staying out of it. I got my own problems going on. Shun is has gotten to the point where he yells at me a lot now.

Kyla: He's probably tired of chasing after your thirsty ass. I'm your BestFriend so imma give it to you straight up, you wanna live high and fancy because your family is rich and you wanna live this happy life with your boyfriend without the life cycles and reality of the relationship that's comes with any relationship. Y'all need to stop holding shit in and start being more honest with each other.

Mari: It's him holding stuff in. I never can get through to him. Every time I try he shuts me down every time.

Kyla: Y'all will work on it. Y'all been together for 2 years. So y'all gone be alright.

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