Chapter 29: Miami and Orlando

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This morning I woke up feeling good. I took my bath and got dressed. Since Shun was meeting my biological father today, he was up and happy. He was already dressed.

Shun: GoodMorning bay.

Me: GoodMorning.

Shun: What can we do to kill time?

Me: I don't know.

Shun: I wanna go swimming when we get back.

Me: Ok as long as its not packed and crowded. I'm shy around other people.

Shun: Ok shawty.

Me: I just got a text from dad, are you ready to go?

Shun: Yea.

We got in a the car and was headed to see my daddy. Every time I see my father I get happy.

After the long drive to the yacht dock. We met up with my dad and step mom.

Me: Hey daddy.

Pj: Hey son.

Me: Hey momma.

Ashley: Hey baby.

Me: Where's Latrell?

Pj: He's walking up now.

Latrell: Hey big brother.

Me: Hii.

Pj: And you must be Shun?

Shun: Yes sir.

Pj: Nice to meet you son. This is my wife Ashley.

Ashley: Nice to meet you Shun.

Shun: Nice to meet you too Mrs. Anderson.

Ashley: Please, call me mom.

Shun: Ok mom.

Pj: Well family lets get on this boat.

As we were getting on the boat my dad stopped me and let them walk up a bit.

Pj: I want you to keep this one. He's good looking and have swag. He doesn't wear his pants low and he's not disrespectful.

Me: Thanks daddy, and what you know about swag old man?

Pj: I was young too and I'm not old.

Me: I guess daddy.

As we finished talking we caught up with Shun and momma. We sat down and enjoyed the breeze until somebody broke the silence.

Ashley: So how's school coming boys?

Me: I finally made it to senior year.

Shun: I know right.

Pj: Are you guys going to prom together?

Me: I hope so...if we be still be together.

Shun: I plan on it. I haven't really asked him because we are together. But I will ask him when the time comes.

Pj: Cool. Well let me take this call real quick. Excuse me.

Me: Latrell let me speak with you.

As I was getting up his facial expression changed.

Me: Latrell why are you so quiet?

Latrell: I have something to tell y'all.

Me: Well, spit it out.

Latrell: I'm gay. Please don't tell mom and dad. I will when I'm ready. I figured I could tell you because you my big brother.

Me: Don't ever feel like you can come to me for anything because you can. I got you. I got your back.

Latrell: Thanks bro.

Me: So who is he.

Latrell: His name is Jayvin. He's 18 he's nice and cool. We have the same classes and he play basketball. He's 6'5 and light skin.

Me: Sounds like you in love lil bro. But be careful. You'll know real live when it comes. Don't rush it. Take your time.

Latrell: I am. Thanks bro and I will.

As me and my brother finished our 1 on 1 the boat ride was over. I was tired and ready to get back to the hotel. We can go to the pool tomorrow night.

Me: Bye family, I love you.

Pj & Ashley: Bye, love y'all too.

Latrell: Bye bro, love y'all too.

As we parted ways me and Shun was headed to the hotel. The car ride was quiet. Which was weird.

As we got back to the hotel we went up to our room.

Shun: Bay I love your father. He real cool and his wife was really cool too.

Me: Zzzzz.

Shun: (Whispers to his self) dang bay. Good Night (Kiss forehead).

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