Chapter 20

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Trey: I think you were a little hard on him. Plus my baby do look like he in love Tay.

Tay: I know I'm only his step father but I don't want him to get hurt or fall in love with the wrong men.

Trey: I understand that too but we didn't give him a chance to introduce his self either.

I was laying on my bed crying my eyes out. I herd a knock at my door.

Me: Come in.

Tay: I've decided to let you be a young man and make your own decisions on Some things. Call that boyfriend of yours and tell him to come over for dinner tomorrow so we can get to know. Don't make me regret this.

Me: Yes sir.

I got my phone back and texted my baby.

Text Convo

Mari💍😘👬: (7:52) Hey baby.

Shun💍💋💕: (7:54) Sup shawty.

Mari💍😘👬: (7:56) Nothing...sorry for what happened earlier. My dads are over protective. Plus I just got my phone back.

Shun💍💋💕: (7:58) It's ok shawty we cool.

Mari💍😘👬: (8:00) I thought I was gonna lose you.

Shun💍💋💕: (8:02) Never that shawty but aye I'm finna go to sleep...I love you big head.

Mari💍😘👬: (8:04) I love you too bay

End of Text Convo

Dang I forgot to tell him about tomorrow. I'll just tell him at school tomorrow.

I hit my pillow and I was knocked out. I haven't heard from Kyla all weekend I'll see her tomorrow too. Thank God Coach Curry canceled practice tomorrow because that means Shun will be in all his classes.

•Monday Morning•
I got up and did my hygiene and got ready. I walked down stairs to wait for Shun to come pick me up. I'm just ready to get this last day of school over with.

This summer my dads are going to Miami and I am so ready. Hopefully Shun and Kyla can come with us.

I heard the horn blow and I was walking out the door.

Me: Hey bay.

Shun: Hey shawty.

Me: My dads wanna have dinner and they want you to come over.

Shun: Ok.

Me: I want you to go to Miami with us for the summer.

Shun: Aight.

Me: Since it's the last day of school we can go look at suits for prom.

Shun: That's cool.

Me: Did I do something wrong.

Shun: No I just got a lot of stuff on my mind.

Me: You wanna talk about it.

Shun: We can talk about it later.

Me: K.

I wasn't really hungry so I sat down at the table with Kyla.

Me: Hey booo.

Kyla: Hey boo

Me: I haven't heard from you what's really been going on.

Kyla: My daddy jumped on my momma.

Me: Guhh what.

Kyla: Yup, but I'm cool he gone now.

Me: That's good...Shun gotta come over today.

Kyla: Why.

Me: Because my dads want to meet him.

Kyla: They were cool with it.

Me: When they found out my ass was almost grass but they kinda calmed down .

My baby was walking in then.

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