Chapter 55

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Austin took me home and I told him good bye. I walked in the house and it looked like everybody was in the bed already.

I walked in the kitchen to get me a glass of water and head to bed but my farther had walked in the kitchen.

Pj: Where have you been son?

Mari: I was out with a friend daddy.

Pj: Oh ok well I'm finna go to bed. I'll see when you get home from school.

Mari: Ok.

I walked up stairs to my room with it being empty. He might've went home just for awhile.

Texting Convo

Mari💍😘👬(8:15): Baby where you at?

Shun💍💋💕(8:20): I'm at home shawty...I had to come check on lil brother.

Mari💍😘👬(8:25): Aww he ok.

Shun: 💍💋💕(8:30): Yeah he ok...he just wanted to hang out with me today.

Mari💍😘👬(8:32): That was nice. Are you coming back over.

Shun: 💍💋💕(8:35): Probably not. My mom at work and she wants me to watch him.

Mari:💍😘👬(8:40): Oh ok then. Enjoy your lil brother...I'll see you at school tomorrow. I love you.
Shun💍💋💕(8:40) Aight shawty. I love you too.

End Of Text Convo

I got in my big bed all alone. It felt like I was back at square one. The first night with out my baby staying with me.

I feel asleep at 9:00. My phone woke me up at 1:00 in the morning. Who the hell is this calling me.

Phone Convo

Mari: Who is this?

Unknown: It's your worst nightmare...

End Of Phone Convo

I hung up the phone and was afraid to get back comfortable in my bed. I wish Shun was here. I hope I get to see him tomorrow at school.

I woke up the next morning and got ready for school. I was still scared from that phone call last night. I finished getting ready for school and I went down stairs.

Monji: GoodMorning.

Mari: GoodMorning...when are you going home.😂😂

Monji: Dang its like that.😂😂

Mari: I'm just playing boy...but I gotta go see y'all at school...well at home cause y'all got practice today and we never see y'all when y'all have practice.

Monji: True and aight.

I got in my farther's BMW and I was off to school. I made it to school and I parked in my parking spot.

I walked into the school building and went to my locker. I got my school books and headed to class.

I got to class and sat down and waited for Kyla to get here.

Kyla: Heyy boo.

Mari: Hey.

Kyla: What's up.

Mari: I got a phone call in the middle of the night and it was unknown and they said that it was my worst nightmare and hung up the phone.

Kyla: Bitchhh....What? On no mam. Did you tell Shun?

Mari: No, I haven't seen him or texted him this morning.

Kyla: Aww...Y'all are too cute...but you need to tell him boo.

Mari: I will.

After 1st block I went to the band hall to practice some 8 counts. After I practiced by myself I went to lunch.

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