Chapter 5

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I woke up this morning saying I don't wanna go to school this morning. The only reason I'm going anyway is because this the only day bay would have a regular day and I had to be there. Just so that I could see him. I probably won't go tomorrow because that's just how I feel.

I really wanted Deshun to come pick me up but that would be asking him for too much I didn't want to make a strained on him.

Omari: Daddyy!?

Trey & Tay: Which one?

Omari: Both.

Trey & Tay: We're coming.

I heard them playing coming up to the door.

Trey & Tay: What's wrong.

Omari: I need a car.

Tay: Looks like somebody needs a job there sport.

Omari: That's not funny. I'm serious. Dad.

Trey: Your Step Dad is right and when we asked you the first time you said you didn't want one right now.

Omari: I don't ask for much...but it's cool. I got a parade Friday before the game. I gotta go bye.

Trey & Tay: We love you.

Omari: Love you too bye.

I took the city bus to school today. I was so ready to get to to bay. My dad's really made me mad. I haven't heard from my other dad in a long time. I knew he was working hard but he would normally call me. It really sucked that I get to only see him every 2 weeks. I kiss him.

I finally made to school. Running to the Technical Center to get to my baby. The morning bell rung and I had made it to class. Everyone was here except Shun. I wanted to cry right then and there. I texted him.

Text Convo

Mari: (8:00 a.m) Where are you.

Deshun: (8:02 a.m) Practice.

Mari: (8:10 a.m) 😪😪😪😩😩😒.

Deshun: (8:12 a.m) I know shawty. But coach been on our asses... I'll see you at lunch. Hopefully.😘💍.

Mari: (8:14 a.m) K💍😘.

End Of Text Convo

I was so mad. My day has not been going right. If my parents don't get me a car I won't talk to them for a year. I need bay right now. I need his shoulder to lean on. Mrs.jackson was explaining what we was cooking today and I'm just like fuck it because I really don't care at this point.

Kyla: What's wrong with you boo?

Omari: I asked my dads for a car and they was joking about the situation. I am the only who rides that damn bus by myself in the damn first place. It's so embarrassing.

Kyla: It's ok boo. We all go through a lot so don't feel left out.

Omari: Me and Deshun talk...thought I'll just feel you in...don't tell anybody.

Kyla: That's good boo I'm really happy for you but why did you say it like that.

Omari: Becasue if you was having the same bad day I am having you would have too.

Kyla: True. But I'll see you at practice boo love you.

Omari: you too boo.

I can't believe we talked the whole first period away but Deshun was on my mind heavy. I'm ready to see my baby. It's been really annoying the way their coach be having them practice. Their school education come fucking first no matter how you put it. I need my baby right now. This is the first time that I am going through something and I need him and Kyla right now.

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