Chapter 48: Family Dinner Part 2

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My step mom was setting up the dinner table. Monji and Kyla has mad it. Still no Shun. The food was done and everybody was taking their seats. Dad said the grace.

When dad finished saying grace we started eating.

Pj: So how's school going.

Kyla, Monji, Trell, & I: Its going great.

Pj: That's good. Mari where is your boyfriend... his chair is the only one empty.

Me: I don't know dad...your guess is just as good as mines.

Pj: Shaking my head.

Me: I just hope he ain't cheating on me. (Thinking out loud with a mumble)

Pj: Mari did you say something?

Me: Oh no farther.

Pj: I know prom is coming up for you guys. I know y'all are excited.

Kyla: Very.

Trell: I know I am.

Monji: Me too.

Mari: It'll be another day I guess. I don't think I'm excited to go like I was before.

Trell: Aww big bro that was the only reason why I was going.

Monji: (Clears throat).

Trell: Oh and for you.

I leaned all the way back in my chair and toned everybody out. As I was sitting there quit the front door opened.

Shun: What's going on everybody?

Kyla: Hey.

Trell: Hey.

Monji: Sup.

Shun: Hey babe (Kisses Mari's cheek)

Mari: Hey.

Shun: What's wrong?

Mari: I know it's her.

Shun: Her who?

Mari: I'm not stupid so stop playing me like I am.

Shun: May we be excused.

Pj & Ashley: Sure.

•Table Scene•
Kyla: I hate that they always fighting.

Trell: Me too. I'm just siting here thinking like why a beautiful couple like them stay into's sad.

Monji: True but that would be so messed up if he was out all night with ole girl we saw at the movies that night.

Kyla: I don't think I was there that night was I?

Monji: I think you were.

Pj: I don't know what's going on but I want you 3 to stay out of it.

Monji, Kyla, & Trell: Yes sir.

•Fighting Scene•

Mari: What did I say the last time?

Shun: That if I messed up again then we were over.

Mari: I don't have anything else to say to you.

Shun: Baby at least let me explain.

Mari: You got 5 minutes.

Shun: We didn't do anything...her brother was out with his girl friend and she asked me could I take her home. I only agreed because I didn't want nothing to happening her.

Mari: (Sniffs) Oh so you more worried about her then you are about me. Ok then why don't be with her then because I am tired of being the last person on your list...I am your boyfriend. I'm tired of the arguments.

Shun: I didn't mean it like that.

Mari: Don't touch me.

I left the room and went back down stairs. I was walking really fast.

Mari: Dad can I see your keys.

Pj: They on the counter.

Shun: Baby?

Mari: Stop touching me.

I walked out the door and as I walked out the door everybody was standing outside trying to see was going on.

I got in my farther's car and sped off.

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