Chapter 22

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I woke up and there was no one in else in the bed with me. Then I heard some laughing going on down stairs. So I got up and washed my face and I was headed down stairs.

As I was walking down stairs I could smell pancakes, eggs, bacon, grits, and toast.

I walked in the kitchen and everybody was eating.

I went up behind Shun and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Me: GoodMorning baby.

Shun: Morning.

Me: Dang why my morning couldn't have been good.

Shun: GoodMorning bay.

Me: Thank you.

So dads I was thinking that since I have your approval of dating Shun now, I was wondering if it was ok if Shun comes with us to Miami.

Tay: Sure.

Me: Thanks dad.

We finished eating breakfest then me and Shun headed up stairs.

We decided to leave early in the morning because nobody wanted to wait that long to leave.

Shun had went home to pack his clothes and he was coming back to stay with us so we could just get up and leave.

Orlando and Miami is gonna be fun. I want this trip to be fun and awesome. Me and Shun got to talk about college stuff because if he get a basketry ball scholarship then that means imma have to go with him.

I was in the living room watching tv and was hungry. So I put on some clothes and went down town.

I hate my baby not with me. This could have been us spending time together. We spend time together but not the way I would like for us too.

•Shun's POV•

I'm at home packing and thinking. I'm thinking about giving him a promise ring because I want him to know that no matter what I'mma always be there for him.

I him to death. But it hard because when I see other couples that go out all the time or buy their boyfriends or girlfriends stuff makes me feel like I'm not doing my job as a man like I should be.

I'm finna be a senior in High School and I don't have time to be playing around or goofing. It's time for me to be a man about mines.

•End of POV•

I made it back home and Shun texted me and said he would be here in a minute so I left the door unlocked.

I went in the kitchen to eat my food. Kyla said wants to come with us but she said she'll meet us at the in Orlando. 

Shun: Yo baby I'm here.

Me: I'm in the kitchen and lower your tone. Dads are trying to sleep.

Shun: My bad shawty.

Me: It's ok...did you get everything baby.

Shun: Yes baby, thanks for asking and making sure.

Me: Your welcome it my job to make sure and look out for out. Just like you will for me in the future.

Shun: what time we leaving tomorrow?

Me: Our flight leaves at 8:30.

Shun: Oh ok then well I'll stay up then so we can get up early...imma wake you at 6:30. I'll just get my sleep on the plane.

Me: Thank you baby...I love you...goodnight.(Kiss)

Shun: You welcome shawty...I love you too...goodnight.(Kiss)

In Love With Mr.Right: Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now