Chapter 6

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Shun and I have been texting for a whole month and he still hasn't asked me to be his boyfriend yet. It sucks because I really like him. He's really sweet and caring. He makes sure that I'm ok and stuff but I want it like that when we finally get together. It's like, I don't know.

Then Quan went up to Shun and asked him what we had going on and I'm like its none of your damn business what we got going on. I am not with you any more like have a seat. You doing to much.

Shun won't be at school all of next because of basketball camp. I don't want him to be gone that long. Trust me I don't. They coach get on my nerves. Like taking them for a week like is that really necessary.

I decided not to go to school today because of the fact it was almost the week we get out of school a day from now. It's gonna be a chill day for me.

I got out of bed...took my shower and now I'm finna get back in my bed and get on Netflix. I put my movie on and started drifting asleep.

Trey: Omarii!?

Omari: Sir?

Trey: Someone's here to see you.

Omari: I'm coming.

I get down stairs and it was Quan I'm saying to my self damn can I get some rest on the day I didn't go to school and get some peace.

Quan: Hey.

Omari: Byyee.

Quan: It's like that?

Omari: Do you like what Quan. I am not going back out with you. What part of that did you not understand the first time i told you. I don't want you no more Quan. You put me through a lot.

Quan: I changed. I changed for you. I wanna make it right. I still love you and I still want to be with you but you making it hard for me.

Omari: I can't trust you no more Quan and even if I did. I still wouldn't get back with you if my life dependent on it so Imma have to ask you too leave.

Quan: Ok, I see how it is. But let me catch dude slipping.

After he said that he left mad. He not gone touch him. And I mean that like I would go to jail for Shun. We would fight together.

Kyla was calling me.

Incoming Call

Kyla: Heyy boo.

Omari: Hey boo.

Kyla: What you doing.

Omari: In my bed resting.

Kyla: Me too boo, has he asked yet?

Omari: No, but I'm ready for him to ask me. Before next sometime next week anyway.

Kyla: True because school finna be out. But Imma talk to you later boo I might be by later to pick you and we can go to the mall.

Omari: Yass. Ok boo.

End Of Call

I laid back down because I was tired. I texted Deshun to let him know me and Kyla was going to the mall today and see if he wanted to go but I didn't get a reply back. I knew I would have soon though so I we to sleep.

In Love With Mr.Right: Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now