Chapter 32: Senoir Night Part 2

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As I was getting ready for Senoir Night. All of a sudden my phone vibrated.

Text Convo

Shun: (4:00) Hey baby wyd.

Me: (4:02) Getting Ready for Senoir Night wyd.

Shun: (4:05) Doing the same shawty. You want to go to my basketball dinner tonight?

Me: (4:10) Sure.

Shun: (4:12) Thanks baby.

Me: (4:13) You welcome but let this be the last time I be the last to know about something.

Shun: (4:14) I'm sorry shawty.

End Of Text Convo

I put my casual clothes in my band traveling bag so after the performance so I could be ready to go to the Basketball Dinner.

I was walking out the door on my way to the school. Then Amonji pulled up. I thought to my self how did he know where I live.

Amonji: You need a ride?

Me: Sure.

Lord knows I don't want to get caught in Amonji's car. Shun would act a fool and we would probably break up.

Amonji: Why you so quiet?

Me: Nothing...I just don't want to say the wrong thing and this is kind of weird.

Amonji: What's weird.

Me: Me riding with you in your car and me being gay. You are straight. You know Shun don't play that. You cool people to hang around but I don't think Shun want me to be around his team mates like that. He would act a fool.

Amonji: You gotta stop worrying so much Omari. He the one wanted me to come and pick you up because he didn't want you to walk and plus I'm not checking for you like that. I think you a pretty cool dude to be around.

Me: Well thank you and I think you a pretty cool dude be around too. I'm just nervous about this dinner.

Amonji: Thanks and why?

Me: Because you know some y'all team mates don't like me. He asked me to go too. I know I really want to go but if I make any body uncomfortable I don't wanna be there.

Amonji: True but fuck what they think. You just do you. Aight?

Me: Aight.

Amonji: Well I'll see you later. You tear it up out there.

Me: You know I do.

That was kind of weird but hey he's cool. As I was walking to the band hall the gym was getting packed. I hope they got our seats reserved

As I walked in the band room I put my leotard on and I was ready for our quick rehearsal. Kyla was just getting here.

Me: Hey boo

Kyla: Hey boo.

Me: Guess what?

Kyla: What?

Me: Amonji gave me a ride.

Kyla: Boy what? Where was Shun?

Me: I don't know but Amonji said he told him to come pick me up.

Kyla: What y'all talk about.

Me: Nothing he's really cool. If I wasnt with Shun he'll be the one I would've been with. But he's straight.

Kyla: Aww and yeah cause they both fine as fuck.

Me: Rightt but come on let's go line up.

We lined up and was ready to march to the gym. Some of the parents were waiting to see us. I spotted my daddy and brother but I guess my momma had to work and my dads were standing by my daddy and brother.

I started prancing when the band started the cadence. As they played "You Make Me Happy"  I threw the the first 8 count.

You could hear the crowd saying alright now. Then one lady said that boy can damn dance. I threw the next 8 and I rotated my arm to let them know to get in a single line.

The gym doors were closed so i had time to get my self prepared to simply march and ramp kick. The doors open and I was gone. I was getting it. I marched all the way to the stands we were sitting at and I was rocking side to side until the whole band sat down.

Principle: Good evening. Give around of applause to our amazing band.

Audience: (Claps and Whistles)

Principle: Now I know I shouldn't be doing this but I'm not singling out anybodies kids. But I want to give a special shout out to our Captain. Omari Anderson.

When she said that I stood up and took a bow.

Principle: I want all of the seniors to stand up because this is their night. They've worked really hard to be standing here. I'm not gone keep y'all long because I know y'all trying to get to that dinner so imma just say I'm so proud of each and every one of you. Thank you. Good Night.

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