Chapter 14: Drake's Party In Vegas

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I went to go find Shun and he was sitting in the lobby. He was looking good.

Me: Hey baby:

Shun: What's up shawty?

Me: Nothing, but look, I know Drake likes me, but you have nothing to worry about ok. Oh and you can play basketball. I know I haven't been supportive but I know that's what you want to do so do it.

Shun: Thanks baby...and I thought I was gone have to sock Drake up lol. Let's go to this party and have fun shall we.

Me: Let's.

My baby is such a sweet heart I love him.

We walked in the party and I was approached by Beyoncé.

Beyoncé: Hey's your dad doing?

Me: O.M.G you name my name, me, and my family. But which one?

Beyoncé: Trey.

Me: Same ole Trey...he's getting married soon.

Beyoncé: I know Tay is being the best step dad ever and I can't wait.

Me: Yeah and me either. Oh, this is my boyfriend Deshun.

Shun: Hi.

Beyoncé: Hey. It's nice to meet you. I have to go guys but I'll see you later.

Shun & Me: K.

I can't believe my dads knows Beyoncé...they could've told me. They know I love Beyoncé. I can't even be mad with them right now.

We meet up with Drake and we was just chillin. I was ready to get home though because me, Shun, and Kyla all have practice all week. It was now 12:00 and I told Drake I would text him later as a friend and thanked him for inviting us.

He gave me one of the longest hugs ever.

After we hugged me and Shun was walking out the door. This was a good vacation.

Me: Baby you want to hit the road tonight?

Shun: We can if you want too.

Me: Kyla is meeting us here.

Shun: I am ready to go home...I enjoyed my self though.

Me: I couldn't tell. Rofl I'm just playing.

Shun: I see you got jokes...what time is the parade Friday?

Me: 5...then we marching in the game.

Shun: Oh ok cause practice ends at 4.

Me: Oh ok. I already know Dj, Kevin and Austin and them coming with you. I don't think they like me.

Shun: Why you say that shawty?

Me: Cause i just don't think they do...but they are your best friends I don't wanna mess up anything.

Shun: Babe what happened.

Me: Nothing calm down...everything is ok.

Shun: Ok well let's head out.

Me: Yeah cause Kyla pulling up now.

We loaded the car and I changed as soon as I got in the car because I wanted to be comfortable on my way home.

Knowing Shawn we would be there less than an hour. I soon drifted off to sleep because I was tired and I had stayed up way past my bed time.

I guess when I get home I will sleep all day when I get home...because I already know this is gonna be a long and stressful week.

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