Chapter 16

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As I was getting raped all I could think about is my baby Shun...I was saving my virginity for Shun. I feel dirty and I feel like a hoe.

As the tall light skinned dude started to to put his dick in me. He lubed it with his spit. I felt disgusted. I felt so nasty. Is that how everybody feel when they get raped.

My throat hurts from the size of their dicks and the force of them going down my throat. Not to mention my ass was hurting.

When they were raping me they were calling me out my name like bitch, hoe, slut, dick sucker, dick whore, everything you could think of.

As I was putting my clothes on I ran out the apartment they took me too. I ran all the way home non stop.

I cried all the way there. My ass was burning and sore like hell. It was bleeding too. I felt like I was going to die.

I got home and ran up stairs. I turned the shower on and washed the nasty filthy devils work off of me. After I took my shower i ran me a hot bath so that I could soak my hole.

After that I climbed in my full sized bed and laid down. I still feel dirty. My phone started ringing and it was Shun. I instantly started crying because I knew if I answered the phone all hell is gone break loose so I just cried my self to sleep.

I woke up and I had 30 unread messages from Shun and 70 missed calls. He going to eventually know something is going on.

I went back to sleep so I could be well rested for school in the morning.

Thursday Morning

I was up getting ready for school and I put on my blue joggers with my grey and blue Jordan shirt and my grey and blue Jordans. I don't know if I'm in the mood to go to Shun's basketball game this evening.

I was walking into the school doors down the hallway and I saw Quan punk ass.

Quan: Hey baby. ( Smacks ass) How daddy baby doing.

Me: Quan leave me and mines the fuck alone. I don't want you. You and your friends are rapist and trust and believe I will be going to the police today.

Quan: You ain't going no damn where. Let me catch that ass walking today. Imma beat that shit up all night tonight.

I couldn't say nothing because I had to walk again today. I'm not gonna go through the same thing I did yesterday. I am going to the police today.

Me: Yeah whatever...You will never ever touch or see this again...You better get ready to get your salad tossed in jail nigga cause they gone have you for breakfast lunch and dinner.

I walked off. I gotta tell my dads what happened. Shun too. I already know they gone be ready to fuck some shit up. Kyla is gonna be mad in first block.

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