Chapter 38

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It was a Monday morning and I was up getting ready for school. I get to see Shun today. All day. Which is a good thing I guess.

My dads wedding is this weekend coming up. I'm so tired of hearing about wedding stuff I don't know what to do.

I went to the kitchen and as I was walking I saw Shun. I fell down because I didn't want him to see me in only my boxers. I ran up stairs and put on some joggers and ran back down stairs

Mari: Shun, what are you doing here so early.

Shun: To pick up my lit shawty.

Mari: Oh ok, thanks baby.

Shun: You welcome.

Mari: I want to stay home today

Shun: Me too shawty.

Mari: You wanna skip today?

Shun: As much as I want too. We can't.

Mari: Ok.

I ran up stairs to finish getting ready. I got dressed and i was on my way to school.

When we got to school Shun kissed me good bye and told that he will see me at lunch.

I saw Kyla with some boy. He was fine as fuck yo. I got a man though but if I didn't.

Mari: Hey boo.

Kyla: Hey boo.

Mari: Who is this?

Kyla: This is Jalen.

Mari: Hi Jalen.

Jaylen: Sup.

Mari: Well I'll see you in first period. Don't be late.

Kyla: I won't boo.

Walking to first period I got scared because I never walked by my self. I was able to manage though.

It was 3 period which was lunch and I was excited to get to lunch just to see my baby.

I don't eat school so I sat at the table we sit at everyday. Kyla came in before Shun surprisingly. But she came with Jalen.

Kyla: Hey boo.

Mari: Hey.

Jaylen: Hey Mari.

Mari: Hi.

Kyla: You ready for practice?

Mari: Not really and which reminds me that I forgot my band bag.

Kyla: Dangg. Ask Shun to take you after school.

Mari: He has practice.

Jaylen: I'll take you.

Mari: Really?

Jaylen: Yeah I got you.

That was nice of him. Finally Shun was walking in.

Shun: Hey baby.

Mari: Hey.

Shun: How your day going?

Mari: It's going great what about yours?

Shun: It's going good.

Mari: That's good bay.

As I looked up that Amber girl from the movies the other night was walking towards our table. She sat next to Shun.

Amber: Hey Shun did you think about it?

Shun: About what?

Amber: Prom.

Shun: I have a date already and plus if i didn't I would be going by my self.

Amber: Why are you being mean?

Shun: Cause clearly you don't understand and it's very disrespectful.

Amber: Well here is my number.

Shun: I won't be needing it. Can you leave now.

Mari: Dang she act like she hard of hearing.

Kyla: Okay. Shay was finna get slapped.

Mari: Okay. I don't know what's so special about my man but they better stay away from him.

Kyla: Preach.

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