Chapter 27: Miami and Orlando

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We made it to the hotel and I kissed my dads good night. My dad is coming tomorrow which is good because I could really use him right now.

I got to my hotel room and I sighed. I pulled my key out slowly. I opened the door and all of the lights were off. There were candles lit and roses leading to the jacuzzi bathtub with a bottle of Champagne. There were also chocolate covered strawberries on a platter.

Shun: Yo shawty, That's you.

Me: Yeah it's me.

Shun: Can we talk?

Me: Baby I really don't feel like arguing.

Shun: You don't have to say anything. Just hear me out. Please.

Me: Ok.

Shun: I'm sorry for not dealing with the situation like I have supposed too. I don't want this situation to be something more then what it is. It's time for me to be a bigger man then what I already am. I'm sorry that I made you cry. I'm sorry baby. (Hug)

Me: (Sniffs) It's ok baby. (Kiss) Can we go to bed?

Shun: Come on shawty.

Now that the air has been cleared. I can get some sleep. After Disney World I gotta go hang with my daddy and his family. His wife is ok but his other son LaTrell is a bitch. He always picks on me and it's crazy because I'm the oldest.

I just wish that I was only child because  when I was younger my Dad would call and check on me all the time. He would come get me every weekend but that all stopped when LaTrell came.

LaTrell was born a year after I was born. Then on stop of that the lil bitch got me and my father last name "Anderson". But any way enough of a little catch up.

•Disney World•

Im finally here. I'm ready to ride everything. Shun is meeting up with a old friend here at the park so that leaves me by my self.

As I was walking in the food court I meet up with Shun and his friend.

Me: Hey bay.

Shun: Whats up shawty, you having fun?

Me: Yes but I thought this trip was for us to hang out.

Shun: I know bay, but I haven't seen my friend in so long.

Me: Fine, but are you gonna introduce me.

Shun: Dontez, this my boyfriend Omari. Omari this is my friend Dontez.

Me: Nice to meet you.

Dontez: Nice to meet you too.

Me: Well imma let you too catch up. Bay don't forget we're riding the Rock-n-Roll Roller Coaster together.

Shun: I won't bay.

After that I ordered my food and I was out. I walking around enjoying this breezy and cool day.

I was also thinking about how tonight with my dad would turn out. I already know me and LaTrell are gonna argue like always. Why did he have to bring him any way.

As Shun meet up with me. We were taking our seats on the roller coaster.

Today was really worth it. I had fun. This day was much needed.

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