Chapter 53: Prom Part 4

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We walked inside and it was packed. Everybody slayed and then you got them ones that you pray about.

My song by Michael Jackson "You Rock My World" was on and I immediately wanted to go dance. I took Shun hand and we got on the dance floor.

Mari: May I have this dance?

Shun: Of course shawty.

He grabbed my hand and spent me around.

Mari: You know you still make me nervous right?

Shun: A good nervous or a bad nervous.

Mari: A good nervous.

Shun: Like the first time we met nervous.

Mari: Yass. Lol.

Shun: You are so silly. Lol.

Shayla: Can I get everybody's attention please. Thank you. So this year we decided and wanted to do this special and different. So this years prom king is.... Drum role please. DeShun Williams.

Mari: Congratulations baby.

Shun walked up on stage to receive his hat and his scepter.

Shayla: And your prom prince is... Omari Anderson.

Everybody was clapping and cheering. I could not believe this right now. It's crazy because we are the couple who stays to our selves. People are always watching.

Shun: Congrats baby.

Mari: Same to you. I have to talk to you about something.

Shun: What is it?

Mari: you remember Austin from Atlanta?

Shun: Yeah what about him?

Mari: Well...we ran into each other today in the lobby. He's here for his family reunion and he asked me to come. I wanted-

Shun: You can go shawty. I trust you.

Mari: Thank you. I had so much fun tonight.

Shun: Me too.

R.Kelly "Step In The Name Of Love" played and me, Shun, Kyla, Amonji, and Trell started dancing.

Our night slowly became to an end. Now we all was headed back to the hotel. Shun couldn't keep his hands off of me. Kissing me more than once. I think he wants some tonight.

We got to the hotel and when I took my clothes off I fell asleep time I hit the bed.

Shun: (Whispers in Mari ear) Baby? Baby? I know you hear me. Man ok. I see how it is. GoodNight I guess.

I woke feeling good. I was in the bathroom getting my self together when I heard my phone go off.

I walked out of the bathroom to get it but Shun had it in his hand to give to me. You talking bout somebody heart was beating fast.

Shun: GoodMorning shawty. Here you go. (Hands Mari his phone).

Mari: GoodMorning. Thank you.

I looked at my phone and I had a text from Austin.

Text Convo

Austin: GoodMorning Mari.

Mari: Heyy GoodMorning. What's up?

Austin: Oh nothing. Meet me in the lobby at 12.

Mari: Ok.

End Of Text Convo

I am going to end up chosen who I wanna be with. I can feel it coming. I just hope that I don't anyone's feelings. I like Austin for real for real. But I love Shun. I don't know. I'm stressed

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