59: Graduation Day Sneak Peak

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Shun's POV

I never thought that this day would come. I'm  glad that I'm finally finna graduate. I couldn't be anymore happy because I get to graduate with my baby Mari.

As this new beginning start I vow to my self that I will not fuck up. I want us to get married and have kids. I vow to myself that I will be a great role model to our kids. If I lose Mari today or tomorrow, I wouldn't be ok. God would have to make room for me too.

Kyla's POV

Bitchhh I did it. To all them hoes who said i wouldn't. I'm so glad I'm leaving. I'm going to miss this band so much. Bucking those stands down on Friday nights. Hopefully I get to find me a man.

I'm so excited to buck these stands one last time before I start my new journey as a Jackson State J-Sette. I'm gonna miss this place.

Monji's POV

I can't believe graduation is already here. Where did the time go. I'm so glad I'm finna leave this school. Imma miss my lil shawty terribly.

Only and last Sneak peak I'm doing

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