Chapter 39

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•Thursday Afternoon•

I'm on the phone with Shun because somebody told him that Jaylen gave me a ride home when that wasn't the case.

So now we're arguing about some bull shit.

•Phone Convo•

Mari: What are you talking about.

Shun: You know exactly what the fuck I'm talking bout.

Mari: I really don't. Who are you right now. You never cuss me out Shun. (Sniffs)

Shun: If you finna cry I swear I'm finna go.

Mari: Jaylen only took me home to get my band traveling bag because I forgot it at home. I was gonna ask you but you had practice.

Shun: Yeah what whatever. We need a break.

Mari: Shun you don't mean that. Take it ba-.

Shun: (Hangs up phone).

•End Of Phone Convo•

I instantly started crying hard cause all I could think of was Amber and was she the one who was stirring the pot of mess.

Trey: Mariii? Can you come here.

Mari: I'm coming. (Starts to walk)

Trey: You like this place setting for you and Shun?

Mari: I like it.

Trey: Ok.

I ran back up stairs closing my door. I checked my phone and Kyla texted me.

•Text Convo•

Kyla: Hey boo.

Mari: Hey boo.

Kyla: I got my car. I'm outside so you can see it. It's a silver jaguar.

Mari: Ok boo.

•End Of Text Convo•

I went down stairs to see Kyla's car and by surprise it was nice. I opened the car door and closed it.

Kyla: Hey boo.

Mari: Hey.

Kyla: You like it.

Mari: Yass boo it's cute.

Kyla: Thanks boo. But what's wrong with you?

Mari: Me and Shun got into a argument about Jaylen taking me home and he said he needed a break. I know this was some of Ambers shit.

Kyla: Bitch whet?

Mari: Yeah, I'm not ok.

Kyla: When you was trying to help him out.

Mari: Rightt, Okayy.

Kyla: He's not being fair now. He being trifling.

Mari: I think he about to cheat on me because when you in a relationship and something happens. That's the first thing they say to get some quick pussy or ass they been admiring for a while. Then how long that take to happen you gotta sit and wait until it happens until they come running back to you. I'm not for that shit. He can think again.

Kyla: You are so rightt. I can't believe he did this.

Mari: And cussed me out.

Kyla: Whatt? Lets go by his place.

Mari: For what?

Kyla: Doesn't she drive a red car.

Mari: Yeah.

Kyla: Well let's go see if he being faithful and if he is then he's probably not cheating but if he is then you gotta start back doing you.

Mari: Ok.

Kyla: Don't worry baby boy I got you.

We pulled off on our way to Shun's house. I'm not gonna lie I was nervous and shaking. I was looking out the window as we pulled up on Shun's street.

Thank God there wasn't a red car at his house. I dodged a bullet there.

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