Introduction √

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She came back. She caused me pain. Pain that brought many changes into my life.

I did everything to forget her but every time I'm doing it, she kept on coming back.

So, I love her again.

I thought we are going to be okay. No more drama and such. But it was my biggest mistake.

Because after learning the truth of her identity. I didn't notice some changes happened to me.

The so called "Chickboy" fell in love. Madly. 

Not with Sam. But Maegan.


Hope you'll like this story!
Thank you for reading!


Expect errors.
I'm not perfect though.

But feel free to leave your comments here. You can also vote. Accepting for any suggestions :) Thanks !

Date started : December 08, 2014. Monday. 3:31 pm.

Date finished: June 1, 2015. Monday. 3:32 pm.

The characters, organization and events portrayed in this story is product of authors imagination. Any resemblance in any story is purely coincidental.


Mr. Chickboy (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon