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*the next day*

The music was blasting, it was so loud that I could feel my insides vibrate along with the bass. Shawn decided to throw a huge party. I hid in my room, not wanting to really socialize. I took put my MacBook then went onto YouTube. The wifi was slow and laggy, I gave up on YouTube and got up. I changed into a lace navy blue dress. I put on a pair of silver sparkly heals and grabbed my silver clutch. 

I walked out the door and downstairs and saw everyone dancing along to the music. I walked to the kitchen to see Cameron standing there making drinks for everyone. "Oh I see the hibernating bear has come out of it's cave." Cameron shouted over the music. 

I laughed then said, "Hey can I have your world famous, cool-aid cocktail with vodka?" I asked. 

"Jasmine." he said sternly, "You can not drink under age." he said.

"Stop being an ass brother and make me one already." I said. 

"Promise you won't tell Shawn." he asked, coking an eyebrow. I nodded. Cameron made e a blueberry cool-aid cocktail with vodka and handed it to me. I thanked him then grabbed the cup and walked to the living room where everyone was dancing. I took a sip of my cocktail, feeling the alcohol burn in my throat. "Jasmine?" I heard a familiar voice say. I continued drinking my cocktail then turned around to see Matt. "You look nice." he said, smiling wide.

"Mattchuuuuuu." I said, running over to him then hugging him tightly. 

"Are you drunk already?" he asked, chuckling. Matthew rested his hands on my hips. I shrugged then looked at my cup which was empty. I put it down then said, "I don't think so." Matt chuckled then held my hand, entwining our fingers. "Wanna dance?" he asked over the music. I nodded. We walked to where everyone was dancing and started to dance along to the loud music. When the tempo of the music started to slow down, Matt and I decided to get off the dance floor. We walked to the kitchen, hand in hand and I said, "Can I have another cool-aid cocktail please?" Cameron gave me an 'are you serious' look then made me one, handing to me. I chugged it down then looked back up at Cam. "Hit me up with another one." I said. 

"Okay Jas." I heard Matt say. "I think that's enough for you." 

"I don't think soooooo." I slurred. 

"C'mon Jas." Matt said then held my hand, entwining our fingers once again. He brought me upstairs and I said, "Mattchuuuu you better not be doing what I think you are doing." I slurred. Matt chuckled then opened my bedroom door and brought us inside. He sat me down on the bed and I sighed. "You're no funnnnn" I whined. 

"You'll thank me tomorrow morning." he said. "Now cmon, let's get you changed." he said. I grabbed my blanket and covered myself with it, shanking my head. Matt chuckled then said, "Okay okay, I'll be in the hallway waiting." walking out into the hallway, closing the door behind him. I slipped my dress off then put on a pair of booty shorts and stared at all my clothes. I groaned as I stood there with booty shorts and a bra on. Matt knocked on the door and asked, "Are you okay in there?" he spoke through the door. 

"Yea, you can come in." I said. Matt opened the door and saw me. He sighed, closing the door and asked, "Why don't you have a shirt on?" he asked, looking at me from head to toe. I shrugged. I grabbed one of my over sized t-shirts and put it on. Matt walked over to me and wrapped is arms around my waist. "I think it's time for you to go to sleep." he said. 

I shook my head, "But I'm not tiredddddd." I slurred, whining. Matt brought me to bed then tucked me in. I put my arms out then said, "Cuddle?" I asked, making a puppy dog face. He smiled then got into bed, wrapping his arms around me. I put my head on his chest and sighed. Matt played with my hair with one of his hands. "You have really soft hair." he said quietly. 

"Thanks." I said. "I use Pantene shampoo an conditioner." I spoke. Matt chuckled. I closed my eyes as Matt continued to play with my hair. I took a deep breath then fell asleep.

A/N: What are your thoughts on Matt and Jasmine?

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