-Thirty Three-

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"The hurricane seems to be calming down." I heard the lady on the radio say as I sat by the fireplace with a blanket around me. "Meteorologist George Smith says the hurricane should be over in about two hours." She said. Everyone cheered as I just sat there, staring at the fire. "Hey Jas." I herd Cam's voice say as he sat down next to me. "Hey." I spoke.

"You good?" he asked, "Do you need some water or something to eat?" he asked. I shook my head. "How's your head?" He asked. I turned my head to face him and I shrugged. He reached out and took the gauze off. "It looks less swollen." he said, then put a new piece of gauze on. "Do you feel dizzy or anything at all?" he asked.

"I'm fine Cameron." I said.

"I'm just worried." he said.

"Well I'm fine but thank you." I said. He nodded then got up. I turned my head and looked around the room. I saw Shawn talking to Matt. I stood up and I walked over to them and said, "Hey." I spoke as I sat down on Shawn's lap. "Whatcha talking about?" I asked.

"Nothin much." Matt said.

"How's your head?" Shawn asked.

"it's fine, Cam just checked it and he said that it looks less swollen." I explained. Both matt and Shawn nodded. We continued to talk as the hurricane calmed down.


Shawn started to drive us home after the hurricane stopped. "That was some crazy hurricane huh?" I asked.

"Yea." he said, stopping at a stop light. "I'm glad we're all okay." he said turning his head to face me, resting his hand on my thigh. I smiled and nodded, agreeing. We heard a car horn from behind us and Shawn looked forward to see that the traffic light was now green so he continued to drive, keeping his hand on my thigh.

We arrived home and Shawn and I went inside. "I'm gonna make sure none of the windows are terribly broken or something." I said. Shawn nodded then went to living room. I walked around the house to check all the doors and windows. I saw that the window in Shawn's room was broken in probably by the tree branch right outside of it. I sighed. I walked downstairs and saw that the back siding door was broken too, the glass everywhere. I walked into the living room and said, "Your window is broken and the back door to the backyard is broken." I explained.

"Ugh, now I have to call a person to come in and fix it." he said, getting his phone out, then before he could call anyone, he received a call. "Oh I gotta take this." he said quickly, answering the call and leaving the room. I sighed. After about ten minutes, he walked back, he looked stressed. "Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded then said, "I called a glass repair shop, they'll come in and fix the windows for us." he said. I nodded then put my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. "I love you." he said, whispering into my ear.

"I love you too Shawn." I said, then Shawn's phone lit up. He looked at the text on is screen then took a deep breath, I could tell he was stressed out about something. "I gotta go." he said then got up.

"Wait. why, where are you going? People are still cleaning the streets, it's still super dangerous out there." I said.

"Sorry babe, I'll be safe." He said then kissed my forehead, "Bye." he said then left the house. I sighed then sat back into my couch, "What could be so important to cause him to drive around town where he could still get severely hurt?" I thought.

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