-Thirty Four-

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It was almost midnight and Shawn wasn't home yet. I sighed.I took out my phone and called him, but right after two rings it went right to voicemail, "Sorry I can't come to the phone right now, please leave a message after the beep and I will call you back as soon as possible."  he said cheerfully then I heard the beep. "Shawn?" I asked, "You've been gone for about like five hours and it's really late, it's almost midnight, I'm worried." I said, then ended the call. I sighed then got up from the couch. I walked upstairs and into my room and laid in my bed. 


I woke up to feel a cold breeze. I opened my eyes, rubbing them. I looked around and saw my window open. I must've kept it open. I sighed then walked towards it and closed the window. I grabbed my sweatshirt and put it on. I looked at the time, it was 10:18am. I walked across the hall and opened Shawn's bedroom door to see him not there. I sighed. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and filled it up with some orange juice, then I herd the front door open. I put the cup down and walked to the door to see Shawn. "Where have you been??" I asked, "I was so worried!" I said, then gave him a hug. 

"Sorry I spent the night at a hotel." He said, I looked at him, giving him a confused glance, "I didn't want to come home and sleep in my room because of the broken window and the I didn't want to take to couch because I know you like to watch the news in the morning or scroll through your phone on the couch." he said. 

"You could've came home and slept in my room." I said, "I could've used a nice warm cuddle buddy." I spoke.

"Nah, i would've came home at like 4 in the morning." he said.

"Oh" I said. I would've asked where he was but he seemed exhausted so I just walked back into the kitchen. I heard Shawn sit on the couch. I started to make an omelet, and poured out a cup of milk. I walked to the living room and put the plate with an omelet and bacon, and the cup of milk on the coffee table in front of Shawn. "I made some breakfast for you." I said. 

"Thanks babe." he said. He picked up the plate and started to eat. I sat on the couch, and started to drink my juice. "Do you want some?" he asked. 

"No thanks," I said, "I'm not hungry." Shawn continued to eat and I scrolled through my phone. Shawn put his empty plate on the table, laying down on the couch. I got up and reached for it but then Shawn said, "No," he said, "Don't worry about it."

"But we can't just let it sit there." I said. 

"I just want to cuddle with my girlfriend." I said, "Please" I said, looking at me. 

"Okay." I said then got in his arms as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. He kissed the top of my head as I put my head on his chest. "I love you." he said. "I'm in love with you Jasmine Luna Grey, in love." I tilted my head to look up at him, staring into his eyes. "I'm in love with you too Shawn Peter Raul Mendes." I said. Shawn smiled wide before kissing me passionately. He ran his hands through my hair roughly, intensifying the kiss. I smiled into the kiss and Shawn tugged on my shirt. I stopped kissing him, and looked into his eyes, then I smiled wide. He ripped my shirt off and then stood up, picking me up with him. We ran up the stairs, ripping articles of our clothing off. I ran upstairs and into my room. 


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