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It's been a few weeks since Shawn and I have talked about the wedding or the smoking thing, or anything really. We've talked about who takes care of Char when but, other than that we don't talk much.

"There you go baby girl." I heard Shawn's voice say through the baby monitor. I heard Char whine. "No Charlotte, it's nap time." Shawn spoke. I heard some rustling then I heard Shawn start to sing a lullaby. "Good night." I heard his voice say, then a kiss noise after then the door closing. I heard his footsteps come from across the hall and into my room, yea mine. He's been sleeping in the guest room the past couple of days. I looked up at him and he was looking around. He picked up a suitcase and I sat up, getting nervous. "I'm going home." he spoke.

"Canada??" I asked him.

"yes." He spoke.

"F-for how long?" I asked him, standing up. Shawn shrugged. "Shawn don't do the, we have a wedding to plan, a baby to care for." I spoke. Shawn stopped moving and stared down at the suitcase. "you can't go Shawn." i spoke as I stood beside him, staring at the wall behind him which was in front of me. I saw Shawn stand up straight next to me and stare at the wall behind me, which was in front of him. "We're getting married in less than 3 months." I spoke, turning my head to face him. he turned his head to face me and I saw that his eyes were tearing up.

"I stopped smoking." he spoke, "I haven't smoked a cigarette since that time you caught me."

"good, see.... we're doing this together." I spoke, holding his hands.

"I need to figure all this out all on my own though." Shawn spoke, his voice breaking.

"No," I spoke, "We're in this together." I spoke. "You proposed to me, put a ring on my finger. We haven't said 'I do' or our vows yet..... but we're in this together." I spoke. "And if you leave..... you're leaving me and Char all alone. And I know that you aren't that kind of guy to do such a thing." I spoke. Shawn wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly, pulling me closer to him. I heard his heartbeat which calmed me down. "I love you." He spoke.

"I love you too." I said.

"But I'm sorry." he said.

"F-for what?" I asked him, stepping back one step and looking up at him.

"for scaring you." he spoke. "i heard you talking to Charlotte the other day through the baby monitor about me and smoking."


"Dad smokes." I said, cradling her. "i know you probably don't know what that is, but I'm worried about him." I said. Char looked up at me, cooing. "I don't wanna loose you or him." i said, my voice breaking. "You gotta help m out here Char, help me convince dada that he needs to stop smoking." I said. "We can't loose him okay?" I said. I put her down in her crib as she fell asleep. "I can't loose you Shawn" I spoke as I looked out of the window, up at the stars. "Char and I can't loose you....." I spoke.

"God please." I said, crying hysterically. "Help me out here." I said. "I'm scared to death I'm gonna loose the love of my life before I can even say 'i do' or before I can say my vows.... before he forgives me for being an overprotective ass. I just don't want him to just hold me again, just please god, anything. I'll do anything." I prayed, tears running down my cheeks.

*Flashback over*

"You don't need to do anything," Shawn spoke, "Cuz I'm not going anywhere....." he said. "I won't leave you no matter what." He said. I smiled wide and hugged him tightly. "I love you." I spoke.

"I love you more." he said, "and your cream napkins aren't stupid." he spoke, causing us to both laugh.

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