-Fifty Four-

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"Whoa you're huge!" Cameron said, as Shawn and I picked him up from the airport, and gave me a hug. I smiled wide and hugged him back. He gave Shawn a bro hug and then I asked Cameron, "How were all the meetings?" I asked.

"A bit stressful but at least I have something planned for my fans." he said as we started to walk to the car. Shawn helped Cameron with one of his suitcases and Cameron carried his backpack and rolled his carry on. 

I got into the back seat of the car, next to Cam and I felt the baby kick. I smiled wide as I rubbed my stomach. "Hey little one, just a couple more weeks." I said, then felt the baby kick again, harder. "OH!" I exclaimed in surprise. 

"Babe is everything okay??" Shawn asked me, before starting the car. Shawn and Cameron gave me a concerned look. 

"Yea, sh'e just kicking really-" I managed to say before I felt her kick again and felt really bad cramps, like menstrual craps. "AHHHHH!" I screamed. 

"Babe what's wrong!!" Shawn said. He ran out of the car to run over to me and opened the door beside me. 

"I-I think I'm having contractions." I stuttered. Shawn and Cameron's eyes widened. 

"Cameron drive us to the hospital." Shawn ordered, throwing him the keys. "NOW!" He yelled. Cameron got out of the back seat and ran to the drivers seat. Shawn sat down beside me and held my hand as Cameron started up the car and started to drive us to the hospital. "She isn't due for another 9 days!!!!" I yelled as I felt another contraction come.

"Deep breaths." Shawn said, taking deep breaths to show me.

"I know how to fucking breathe!!" I said as I his his arm.

"Babe!" he said. "I'm just trying to help!!"

"I'M PERFECTLY FINE!" I yelled at him.

"We're here." Cameron said. Cameron ran out of the car and ran up to a nurse. A nurse brought out a gurney then helped me onto it. Shawn held my hand as I got another contraction, causing me to scream again. "Babe take deep breaths, our baby is finally coming!" he said. 


I was put on a bed in a delivery room and a doctor came in. "Hello my name is Doctor Stevens and I'm here to help deliver your baby." she said. I shook her hand, taking deep breaths through my mouth. "You are about 5 minutes away from delivery time." she explained as she sat down in front of me.

"She's 9 days early." I struggled to say because of the pain from my contractions.

"Babe do you want some painkillers or something to help with the pain??" Shawn asked me, holding my hand still.

"yes, your husband has a good idea, would you?" The nurse asked me. 

I shook my head. "1. finance. 2. I'll handle it." I said. 

Shawn kissed my temple and said, "are you sure baby girl?"


"It's common for delivering mom to scream like this.... it's the hormones." The doctor explained to Shawn, he nodded. I continued to take deep breaths through my mouth. "It's time Jasmine." she said. "are you ready?" she asked me. I nodded in response. "Okay Jasmine." She said putting on gloves. "Push." she simply said. I pushed and squeezed Shawn's hand.


It's been about 2 hours into my labor and I was still pushing. I fell back and the doctor said, "Cmon Jasmine you're doing great, you're almost there." She said.

"I can't." I said, tears falling down my cheeks. "I can't." I spoke. "it's to hard." I said. Shawn was still holding my hand. He leaned over me and said, "Babe please, just a few more and it'll all be over." he spoke. 

I shook my head, "I-I can't anymore. I-It hurts too much." I said, crying.

"Baby girl please." he spoke. "Just a few more minutes of pain for a lifetime of happiness." He explained. I stared into his eyes and then nodded, "okay." I spoke. Shawn thanked me then kissed my sweaty forehead. I sat back up and began pushing again. "You can do this Jasmine!" Shawn said. "I believe in you baby girl!" Shawn spoke. I gave it one more big push and a loud scream, squeezing Shawn's hand tightly then I felt the nurses and doctor cheer. "GOOD JOB JASMINE!" Doctor Stevens said. I leaned back to the seat, tears running down my cheek, as I saw, at the edge of my eye, the nurses bring the baby to the the little baby area in the corner. "Why isn't she crying?" I asked, out of breath.

"Don't worry Jasmine." The doctor said, "We'll do our best."

"Why can't I hear any tears?" I asked. I looked at the doctor, worryingly, and heard nothing but the whispers of the nurses working on my baby in the corner. 

"Is she okay??" Shawn asked, a tear rolling down his cheek. The doctor just stared at him, then at me, then back at him.

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