-Forty Seven-

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"Babe what do you want for dinner?" Shawn asked me, "I heard La Villa Maharan is the best restaurant in Bora Bora." He said, "Super romantic." he said, smirking. I giggled then sat up in bed, quickly standing up. I took a step before I lost balance, falling to the ground. Shawn ran over to me and sat down next to me, "Are you okay?" he asked worryingly.

"Yea," I spoke, "I just got dizzy and lost balance." I said. "too excited for a romantic night I guess." I said, laughing. "Or I'm getting old."

Shawn chuckled before he spoke. "You're so silly baby girl." he said. I giggled. "Maybe we should stay in tonight." he said. 

"no no." I spoke, "Let's go to La Villa Mahana. I'm fine." I said.

"are you sure?" he asked. I nodded. I stood up and he watched e carefully, making sure I don't fall again. He handed me a water bottle and I took a few sips. "Here drink some, maybe you're a bit dehydrated." he said. I took a few sips and thanked him. I felt a bit sick again, my stomach turning and twisting inside of me. I ran to the bathroom and instantly threw up into the toilet. Shawn ran in and held my hair up. 

"Baby girl we're staying in tonight." he said. 

"But La Villa Mahana" I said. 

"No." he said, "You're sick, you must've eaten something bad this morning, here, you should lay in bed." he said, helping me walk back to the bed and laying me down. He grabbed some water and put it beside me. He put a bottle of painkillers beside me on the bedside table. "Babe, I'm fine." I said. He took a deep breath before sitting down, next to me on the bed, then put the back of his hand on my forehead then my cheek. "baby girl your hot." he said.

"Why thank you." I giggled, trying to make this a lighter situation.

Shawn chuckled then said, "You know what I mean." He spoke, I nodded. "There's only a few painkillers, so if you use them up just tell me and I'll run to a gift shop or something and find some more for you." He said. I nodded, thanking him. I had a small headache so I had a couple painkillers and some water. i laid back in bed and tried to fall asleep.


I couldn't fall asleep because of my huge headache, so I got out of bed, untwining myself from Shawn. I sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed my phone. I went on safari and looked up all my symptoms, asking google why I was so sick. There were a bunch of things I could have. I could have low blood sugar, labyrinthitis which is some inner ear disease, abnormal heart rhythms, pregnancy, or I could get a stroke soon. I started to get super nervous so I put my phone away.

I had a bad headache from the stress so I opened the cap of the painkiller bottle. I opened it and attempted to pour some out into my hand but none came out. I looked into it to see it was empty. I looked over at Shawn, who was asleep. I didn't feel like waking him up, since he just fell asleep an hour ago, so I got up and put on some jeans and a proper shirt. I walked out of the door and walked down the dock. I saw a little 24/7 open stores. The ones that you would see with a gas station. I walked into the store and looked around. I picked up some Advil and continued to look around. 

I saw an isle of all these medical things, along with the painkillers, pregnancy tests, and medicine. I looked around and thought. 

"You never know, maybe I should just make sure." i said as I grabbed a pregnancy test. I walked up to the counter and bought it. I walked back to the hut and saw that Shawn was still asleep. I walked to the bathroom and took the test. I put the test on the counter, staring at it, waiting for a minute to pass. 

Then there it was. 


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