-Forty Eight-

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*back home in Cali*

"OH MY GOD JASMINE!" Cameron yelled as he saw me. I giggled and walked to the door and gave him a hug. "YOU'RE SO TAN OH MY GOD YOU LOOK GREAT!" he said I giggled. He smiled, looking at me up and down then he saw my ring. Cameron gasped as he grabbed my hand and stared at my engagement ring. "YOU'RE ENGAGED?!?!?" he yelled. I laughed then nodded. "You're growing up." he said. 

I laughed then said, "yea yea dad." 

"Speaking of adulthood, can I have one coffee, I didn't sleep well last night." he said. I nodded. Cameron sat down on the couch and I walked to the kitchen and made him a cup of coffee and a glass of water for myself. I walked back and sat down next to Cameron. "How was the trip?" he asked as he took a sup of his coffee. 

"Oh my god Cam you should've seen it." I said, "The water was so clear that you could see your feet, and snorkeling with the fish, oh my god there was this sting ray it was so cute." I said.

"Hey why aren't you drinking coffee?" he asked. "you used to love drinking coffee in the morning with me.... did Bora Bora really change you that much?" he asked.

I shook my head. "No thanks." I said, "I just don't feel like drinking coffee."

"You sure?" he asked. I nodded then looked down at my hands which rested in my lap. "Jas?" he asked, "Is everything okay??" I shook my head, looking up at him. "What's wrong." He asked. 

"i'll be right back." I said, getting up. I walked up the stairs and opened up my suitcase from Bora Bora. I picked up an item and walked back downstairs, back to Cameron. I sat down next to him and handed it to him. I was so nervous my heart was racing. I could feel my heart pumping blood all throughout my body. Cameron looked at it then looked at me. "Oh my god." he gasped. 

"I don't know what to do." I said. 

"I'm gonna be an uncle." he said. 

"Wha?" I asked. I was expecting him to yell at me, saying that I was stupid for letting this happen but he wasn't.

"And you're going to be a mom!" he cheered. "You're biggest, life-long dream is finally coming true! With the love of your life!" he said happily. I smiled wide as he hugged me tightly. "Congratulations Jasmine." He spoke. I giggled. "you and Shawn must be so excited." he said.

"That's the thing...." I said.

"What?" Cameron asked, confused.

"I haven't told Shawn yet...." I said.

"What why?" he asked.

"I'm scared." I said.

"Why are you scared?" Cameron asked. "Shawn's the love of your life, and you are gonna have a child! Jasmine that's your biggest dream!" He said.

"But Shawn's dream is singing." I said. "He wants to become a world famous singer. Not a dad." I said.

"Shawn would love to be a dad." Cameron said.

"I'm just scared that he'll leave me." I said.

"He won't." Cameron said.

"I'm just really really scared." I said.

"Just don't worry about it." He said. "Plus he's the dad, and he's your fiancé" Cameron said, "There has got to be a part of you that believes he won't leave you." he said. "You love him, you have to believe that." I looked down then sighed. "It's your life, your decision but, if I were you.... I'd tell him, he deserves to know." cameron said.

A/N: Do you think Jasmine will tell Shawn??

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