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Jasmine's POV

I woke up, opening my eyes and looked around the room to see only Matt, who was leaning his head on his arm and his other hand was holding mine. "Hey." He said as he saw me wake up. 

"Hey." I said, smiling slightly.

"Your family just left five minutes ago." matt said, "They wanted to go grab some food and they'll bring some for you." he explained.

"Okay." i said then sat up. "how long was I in a coma for?" i asked. 

"A month." He said. 

"And you came everyday?" I asked. 

"As much as I could, usually at least six days a week." he said. I smiled and thanked him. "Shawn was here everyday." he said, which caused my insides to warm up a bit. "oh." i said. 

"You like him... don't you?" Matt asked. 

"I don't know." i said, "I just..... I don't know about relationships right now.... I mean.... I just woke up from a month long coma." i said. 

"I understand." he said then got up to kiss my forehead, "Plus it's better to be single than to be with the wrong person." he said. I smiled, looking down. He sat back down and held my hand, playing with my fingers. I giggled. 

Shawn's POV

I stood outside Jasmine's hospital room, watching her and Matt from the window beside the door. I saw him kiss her forehead, causing her so smile. I sighed, my heart breaking ever so slightly. I saw her giggle as he played with her fingers. I felt my heart break more. She obviously liked him... Might as well just stop trying.

I opened the doors and walked inside. "SHAWNY POO!" She said , extending he arms. 

"hey." I said in a mono-tone voice. I dropped the panera I brought her on the table that was in front of her. "here, I brought food." I said, then sat on a chair by the wall and took out my phone. 

"Shawn?" I heard Jasmine's voice say.

"What." i said.

"Is everything okay?" I heard her sweet voice ask.  

"Yea, why wouldn't it be." I said, still scrolling through my phone. 

"Shawn." I heard Matt's stern voice say. "Did the cat piss in your cereal this morning?" he asked, causing Jasmine to giggle. I looked up at them, holding hands, then I rolled my eyes then walked out of the room. I walked down the hall and out of the hospital. I walked to the park across the street then sat on a bench, looking around. Everywhere I looked there was a couple there, kissing or hugging.... My heart broke to think about the good old times that Jasmine and I would do that. I sighed. I looked down at my hands that rested on my lap. I missed being able to hold and kiss her in public. I miss being able to cuddle with her. I missed the good old times. 

I heard a pair of footsteps come my way. I looked up to see an old lady, who sat down next to me. "Hello young boy." she said smiling wide.

"Hello m'am." I said politely. 

"Would you like a scone?" she asked.

I shook my head, smiling, then said, "No thank you m'am." I said.

"Tell me something...." she said. I turned my head to face her. "What is a handsome, charming, polite young man like you doing out here all alone?" she asked me then turned her head to look at me, "Do you have a young lady at home waiting for you?" 

"No... I don't" I said then looked down at my hands.

"What's her name?" She asked.

"Excuse me m'am?" I asked. 

"What is the name of the girl that you are thinking about right now?" she asked. 

"Jasmine." I said, sighing.

"Beautiful name." she said. "What is she like?"

"She has long brown wavy hair.... beautiful brown eyes. She could cure cancer with her smile and her laugh could end wars." I said, then sighed.

"You're in love." she said. I nodded. "So go to her." she said. "Go tell her you're in love with her.... I guarantee you that the results won't be as bad as you might think." she said. I sighed. "i don't know m'am." i said. 

"Why not?" she asked throwing her hands into the air, "you are a handsome charming young man, if she doesn't think of you the same way then she's clearly blind." She said then laughed. I chuckled then smiled wide. "You know what?" i said. "I will." I said, "I'l go to her."

"YES!" She said as she threw her hands up into the air. "GO GO GO!" she said. I stood up and smiled wide. "M'am?" I asked. 

"yes?" she asked. 

"How did you know I was thinking of a girl who you asked me her name?" I asked.

"I could see it in your eyes." She said, "And don't worry it'll end up well, you remind me of my husband." she said, smiling wide. "There he is!" she said pointing at an old man walked towards us. She stood up and hugged him, kissing him. "How's my lovely wife doing?" he asked, kissing her cheek. She chuckled then said, "Wonderful." smiling wide. I smiled wide, they're relationship goals, "Thank you for the lovely conversation ma'am, but I gotta go." I said. 

"No problem young man." she said. "Now go!" She shouted, "GO get the love of your life." 

A/N: I love the elderly, they're so cute😂

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