-Thirty Seven-

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I woke up to the sound of sniffling, and then the sound of a door closing. I opened my eyes, rubbing them with the back of my hand and looked around. Shawn wasn't in bed. I sat up and looked around the room. Shawn was no where to be found in the room. I saw a piece of paper on my bedside table. I picked it up, seeing that there was little drops all over the sheet of paper, like teardrops. I looked at it confused, then I read it.

Dear Jasmine,

You've probably woken up in confusion. I'm so sorry Jasmine, but I've left. My manager wants me to go to on a year long tour. I couldn't tell you face to face because my heart would've broke into a billion pieces. I knew you would be sad, you would've probably said you were proud of me but on the inside you would've been heartbroken for me leaving so long. I love you Jasmine. I'm sorry I had to go..... I'll miss you so much. I love you.

Love Shawn.

I teared up then looked around. I got our of bed, throwing on the first shirt I saw which was one of Shawn's shirts, which was like a dress on me. I ran down the stairs and our the front door. I looked around and saw a taxi driving away from the house. I ran after it and yelled, "STOP STOP THE TAXI!" waving my arms around. The taxi stopped, pulling over. I ran up to it and ran up to the side of the taxi. I looked in the backseat window and saw Shawn looking down at his phone which rested in his hands in his lap, I knocked on the window and he just turned his head to look the other direction. I banged on the window then opened the door. "Shawn." I said, catching my breath, my eyes tearing up. He reached to close the door. "Shawn look at me..." I said. 

He looked down at his lap and I said, "I can't look at you," 

"Why." I asked, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Because it'll break my heart even more." He said. 

"So you're leaving me without a goodbye kiss?" I asked. Shawn just sat there, not saying a word. My heart broke. "What are we now?" I asked. He didn't say anything. "OH MY GOD!" I yelled as I came to a conclusion of something. "Did you sleep with me just to leave?" I asked. 

"Jasmine, it wasn't like that." He said as he looked up at me. I shook my head and scoffed, "Smooth Mendes." i said then shut the door of the taxi. I then ran back home, tears running down my cheeks. "JASMINE!" I heard Shawn yell. "JASMINE!" He yelled again. I just kept running. I ran into my house, slamming and locking the door then ran up to my room. I closed the door and leaned my back against the door then slid down, curling up into a ball on the floor, crying hysterically. I felt my heart break into a billion little pieces.

I thought Shawn was different. I thought he wasn't a heart breaker....

I heard my phone go off. I picked it up from beside me then saw Shawn's name lit up on it, I unlocked my phone to see the text. 

Shawn😍❤️😘: Jasmine, please let me explain, it wasn't like that. 

I rolled my eyes, scoffing, then I got another text from Shawn.

Shawn😍❤️😘: Jasmine I love you. I'm IN love with you. 

I sighed then texted him back. I clicked the screen with my fingers then clicked the send button.

Jasmine💁🏽💋💘: Don't talk to me, just go on your important ass tour and leave me be. 

Shawn😍❤️😘: Jas...

Jasmine💁🏽💋💘: Don't you have a flight to catch?

I sent the text then stared at my phone, I didn't receive a text back, he must've stopped trying. I threw my phone at the wall in front of me then continued to cry hysterically. I could feel the pieces of my heart hurt my insides. 

I give up.

A/N: Any comments on the part? I don't know if it was good enough. It wasn't what I was going for but I don't know if you guys like it or not. 

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