-Fifty One-

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I felt Shawn's arms wrap around me as I continued making him a sandwich. I felt his head rest on my shoulder and he left soft kisses upon my neck. I giggled as his warm breath tickled me. "How is my beautiful princess?" He asked.

"I'm good." I said, smiling wide as I put one slice of bread on top the ham and cheese sandwich with a bit of avocado. I put it on a plate and handed it to Shawn. He thanked me and sat down on the bar stool behind the island counter and began to eat it. I cleaned up the cutting board and knife and grabbed a glass, pouring some orange juice in it. I handed it to Shawn and said, "I have a good idea." I spoke.

"Hmmm?" He asked sounding interested as he chewed his sandwich.

"Wanna make muffins with me??" I asked him.

"DO I EVER!" He yelled and hopped off his chair. He ran over to me and said, "MUFFINS MUFFINS MUFFINS!" He squealed like a little boy. I giggled and took out the ingredients and trays and such. I began to mix the dry ingredients together as Shawn helped me mix the wet ingredients together. Once we were done we put them together and started to mix. "Blueberry or strawberry muffins?" I asked him.

"Blueberries please." He said, with a big, cheeky smile plastered on his face. I put some blueberries in and continued to mix. Shawn wrapped his arms around me and rested one arm around my waist, his hand resting just upon my stomach and his other arm was on top of my mixing arm, his hand resting on top of my hand, helping me mix. I smiled wide as we mixed the ingredients together. We put the mixture in the little paper outline in the pain for muffins then put it into the oven.

Once we cleaned up the kitchen I sat on the counter and faced Shawn. He stood in front of me and stared at the oven. "Babe staring at it won't make it bake faster." I spoke.

"Maybe it will if you stare at it because you. are. hot." He spoke, pausing in between the last three words. I giggled then wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer to me. He stared into my eyes and then wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him which caused me to yelp then giggle. "I love you." He said, as he rested his forehead on mine.

"I love you too Sha-" I managed to say before Shawn cut me off by saying, "OH MY GOD!" He yelped. "HE.... SHE.... KICKED! I FELT HER.... HIM... KICK INSIDE OF YOU!" He said happily like a little child again and placed his hands on my stomach, feeling our baby kick.

I smiled wide, a soft giggle escaping my lips. "YOU HAVE A LIVING HUMAN BEING LIVING INSIDE OF YOUR STOMACH JASMINE!" Shawn yelled, "YOU KNOW HOW COOL THAT SOUNDS?!?!?" He yelled, jumping up and down.

"Shhh babe you're being so loud, the baby doesn't like loud noises." I said, giggling.

"Oh sorry." He whispered. "You have a living human being living in side of your stomach Jasmine!" he whispered, repeating himself from last time. "You know how cool that sou-"

"Yes Shawn." i said, cutting him off, giggling. Shawn chuckled then squatted down so he was at the height of my stomach, where the baby was, and kissed my stomach. "Hey little human in my finance's stomach." He said. "My name is Shawn Peter Raul Mendes and I'm your dad, I promise I'll always be here for you and I'll never stop loving you." He said, causing my heart to melt, out of cuteness. "I can't wait till I get to hold you." He said. I smiled wide as Shawn placed another kiss on my stomach then stood up. "I can't wait to go to the appointment for the baby tomorrow." Shawn spoke. "We finally get to know the gender!" Shawn squealed. I smiled wide then placed a kiss on his lips. Then we heard the timer for the muffins go off. "MUFFINS!" Shawn yelled. He ran to the oven and grabbed the tray, instantly dropping the hot tray beside me on the counter.

I hopped off the counter and laughed hysterically at him. "Babe they're scorching hot!" I said, giggling.

"Oh shit" he said, blowing at his hands, which were red as a tomato. I sighed then went to the sink, bringing him with me. I ran his hands under warm water then dried them with a towel. I kissed his hands then put a bag of frozen peas on his hands then said, "Better?"

"Yea, all better" Shawn spoke cheerfully, smiling wide, "You're gonna be a great mother."

I smiled wide and said, "And you're going to be a great father." I said, placing a peck on his lips, causing him to smile wide.

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