-Thirty One-

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"Do you know why?" He asked. I tried to say 'no' but I did know... and I couldn't lie to him. "Why is Cameron throwing so many punches at Matt?" Shawn said, staring down at me.

"M-matt kissed me." I stuttered out.

"What." Shawn said, his sweet caring eyes turned into eyes full of fury. "You're throwing our four months together, for Matt?" he practically yelled at me I flinched. "I can't believe you." he said then left Matt's house, slamming the door. "SHAWN!" I yelled then chased after him. I ran after him in the rain, and grabbed his arm. The wind and rain caused my hair to fly everywhere and we were both soaking wet from the rain. "GET BACK INSIDE SHAWN YOU'LL GET KILLED OUT HERE!" I yelled.

Shawn scoffed. "Like you would care," Shawn said, "you'd just move onto Matt right?" he said.

"Shawn I'm not arguing with you right now." I said. "Let's go inside!" I said. Shawn continued to walk away from me. I stood there. "SHAWN PETER RAUL MENDES!" I yelled, then out of no where, everything went black.


I heard people whispering. I looked around and saw that I was in a hospital bed again. "What the hell happened?" I asked, feeling my head stinging. Cameron ran up to me and said, "hey hey hey." stopping me from sitting up. "You got hit by a tree branch in the hurricane," he explained. I looked around and saw that it was only him, and Matt in the room "W-where Shawn?" I asked, "I-is he okay?" I asked.

"He's perfectly fine, everyone is at Matt's probably asleep." Cameron explain. I nodded then looked out the window to see the branches of trees going crazy. "Hey Matt's here, and he wants to talk to you." Cam said.

"Am I allowed to go back to Matt's?" I asked.

"I signed the papers, they said you'll be perfectly fine." Cameron explained, "but the storms pretty crazy Jas, maybe we should wait for it to die down. I got out of the bed and Cam said, "What are you doing."

"If you won't give me a ride home then I will walk." I said.

"Jasmine." Matt said, "it's unsafe out there."

"I'm not going to be stuck in a hospital for another minute you hear me?" I said towards Matt, "Now cam, bring me home."

"You aren't going home." he said, "You're going to Matt's so we can all keep an eye on you."


After everyone was done making sure I was okay, I walked over to Shawn who was sleeping in the corner. I sat down next to him. "Shawn?" I whispered. "Are you still awake?" I asked.

"no." he said back.

"Can we please talk?" I asked. He didn't talk to me or turn around to face me. "Fine, I'll talk all you have to do is listen." I said. I sighed then said, "Matt kissed me and I tried to push him away, I promise I didn't kiss him back and it didn't mean anything." I spoke. "and-"

"Did he hurt you?" Shawn asked in a mono tone voice.

"He grabbed my arms tightly but I'm fine." I said. I turned around and saw him still staring at the wall beside him. "I love you and only you Shawn." I spoke, "I'm your's and only your's." I said. Shawn turned around and saw the gauze on my forehead, "I'm sorry." he said.

"It's fine I would've freaked out too if I was in your shoes." I said.

"No." he said, "I mean I'm sorry for letting you get hurt like this." he said then put his hand on my forehead. I flinched a bit and he took his hand away. "sorry." he said under his breath. I took a deep breath then said, "It's okay, I'm fine." He put his arms out and I laid in his arms and he put his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. He kissed my forehead then said "I love you, you know that right?" he asked me. I nodded. "I love you too." I said. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 

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