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harry: you were in labour. and he wasn't there. you were 3 weeks early. and you had no choice but to have the baby early due to complications. and he was in concert. so when he finally answered his phone on the 57th call (yes literally), he was both excited and scared for you. so he ran off stage and was trying to calm you down. "it's okay babe, just keep doing what the nurse says babe, and breath, and when you need to push, just think of me. I'm sure it wont be that bad." he said catching his breath from singing. "really harry?! wont be that bad?! I'm pushing something the size of a watermelon out of something the size of a fucking tennis ball!" you yelled. "just push babe. push as hard ass you can and ill be there as soon as possible. I love you so much". "I love you too turd burger"

liam: he was doing push up as he does to get his strong arm. only you were lying under him, making his do 100. and when he was almost ready to give up, you stripped down to your bra and undies to give him some motivation. he pushed up, and back down, and after 80, and him seeing you laying there, in your bra and undies you stared to feel his happy friend poking your belly every time he went down, which turned you on, so he didn't quite finish the 100 push ups but he did finish you ;D

louis: he was pushing the door, trying to open it, to see if you were alright. the hate and the nasty comments got to you, and you locked yourself in the bathroom. you were sitting on the bath, where you were facing the mirror, able to see your reflection, and picking out every single one of your flaws, and questioning why he was with you. he was pushing, and pounding the door, until he spoke. "(Y/N), youre amazing, and I love you. no one gets me the way you do, and I need you, and I don't want to let you go.... you help me. you keep me grounded, and I cant imagine my life with anyone else.... (Y/N)? please.. just open the door... please?" and that done it... you unlocked to door, still sitting on the bath's edge, and he opened the door, and when he saw you, his heart melted, because he loved you, and you finally saw why you chose to be with him.. and he with him forever.

niall: he was pushing you against the wall, his hands roaming all over your body, while his mouth was leaving his mark all down your neck. your hands made their way to his pants, which were now quite tight on him due to his hard member. you ran your hand over his throbbing penis and he took your hand away. "Not tonight princess". he said. your were surprised by this, but what you were more surprised about was the sudden 2 fingers pounding into you, causing the utmost ecstasy, making your legs go weak, as he started curling his fingers to touch every part of you,  while his other hand held you up, with your hands holding onto his broad shoulders, and his mouth latching onto yours, your tongues fighting dominance.

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