Sad song preference.

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Caution tears may occur.

Harry- if you're not here to turn the light off, I can't sleep.

Every night before you both went to sleep, Harry would turn the light off, crawl into bed and just talk in the dark until you both fell asleep. But, today he left you. Because, you. You couldn't handle it, and you made him go. You didn't get to see him enough, and he fought, but you didn't. You let your emotions get the best of you, and made him leave, and you aren't able to move, you don't have to energy or the will power to get up, because you just hope he will walk through the door, turn off the light and come cuddle with you, one last time.

Liam- what if I had one more night to say goodbye?

You weren't ready to let go of Liam, but he wanted you to be safe, and not get hate, so he let you go. He didn't want to cause you pain from his job. He told you that he loved you one last time, but you couldn't say goodbye, because you knew it was too painful. You would miss him, and you were going to be alone, without the one you love. And all you think about is, if you had one more night to say goodbye, that you would fight not only for you, but for both of you, but maybe, he done the right thing, but to you, you never wanted to say goodbye, because you loved him.

Louis- I want the room to take me under.

You were depressed, and while Louis was on tour, you didn't want to be here anymore. You just couldn't handle it anymore. The hate, not seeing Louis, only talking to a screen or phone, and it felt like dating some you never see. So you just sat in your room. The only time you got up, was to go tot the toilet and shower. You hadn't eaten in two weeks, and you were sick, but you didn't care. You just wanted to go under, and the room was doing that. The room was taking you under. Not caring anymore.

Zayn- I tried to smile today, but realised there's no point anyway.

Today you were saying to zayn, forever, because it was his funeral. He died from cancer, and no one knew he had it. You were at the ceremony, privately because it was only close family and friends, and you and the boys stood together, watching as the coffin went into the ground. The tears fell silently and you held the boys hands for comfort, but nothing was going to comfort you like zayn. As the ceremony went on, it ended and everyone left but you. And it started to rain. You went up to his grave stone and just started talking to him. "You know zayn, I tried to be brave, and smile, but then I realised, there really isn't any point anymore, because you are gone. My life is gone, and there isn't any point in smiling anymore."

Niall- I've called a hundred times, if I hear your voice I'll be fine.

It was the end. The end you Niall and you. You and Niall. The end of (Your couple name). You were broken, and all you wanted was to hear his voice. But he wouldn't pick up, because it was just as painful for him as it was for you. You both needed each other, but the constant fighting, and swearing and breaking of things made it nearly impossible to stay together, but still you tried to call him. And still he wouldn't pick up. All because he knew if he heard your voice, he'd be at your door, and then the fighting, swearing and what not would happen again, and he didn't want to hurt you anymore.

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