Drunk texts. (Him to you)

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Drunk texts. (Him to you)

Harry- bbbbbaaaaaassaaabbbbbbbbnnnnbbbbeeeeerrreeeeee

You-yeah haz

H- i lllllooooooovvvvvvvcceeeee yyyuuuoooouuu

Y- I know babe

H- iiiiimmmm hhhhhoooooirrrrrrnnnmmyyy

Y- okay. Do you want me to pick you up.

H- nooooo. I'm with ummmm the bbbnooooooyss

Y- okay well I'll see you soon baby

H- oooppppeeeeeenennn ttthhhhe dddooooor. I'm hime.

Liam- oh... Psssst. (Y/N)!!

You- what?

L- Caaaaannnn yooou keerrrp a sevrwt?

Y- yes? Why?

L- immmmmm batman. Did you knnnooww rhat?

Y- yes I did. Are you drunk?

L- no....... Mmaaaaaaaybe...... Yes..... Yooooou chooseeeeeeeee

Y- I'm going with yes.

L- coooorrrrreeeeect!!! Yoooouurrr prizzzzzze is BATMAN!

Louis- bbbaaaabbeeeeee I looovvveeee Harry!!!!

You- I know you do babe.

L- reeeaaaallllly?

Y- yes. Am I picking you up or is Paul dropping you up?

L- ummmmmmm noootttttt suuuureeee. Ring Paul........

Y- is he with you?

L- yeeeeaaaaaah whhyyyy?

Y- then ask him.'

L- noooooo....... Youuuu call hiiiiiiimmmm!!!! Ohh I want aaaaaa caaaarrrroooot!

Zayn- Babby I waaannnnt you

You- okay.

Z- cooommmeeee get me.

Y- okay. Be there in 10.

Z- no 5!

Y- it takes 10 minutes to get there.

Z- oookkkkay baby. Buuuutttt hhuuuuurrrrrtty

Niall- baaaaaabbbbbbbbeeeee guuuueeeeessssssss whhhaaaaaattt

You- what Niall.

N- I looovvvvvveeeeee naaaannnddooos.

Y- I know.

10 minutes later.

N- hey (Y/N), it's Paul. Can you come get Niall. He is trying to grind on Liam.

Y- oh god I'll be there is 5.

N- please hurry he is looking at me weirdly and strutting and winking at me. Please hurry.

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