You can't sleep

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Harry- you've been tossing and turning and can't get to sleep. You just lay there for an hour huffing and trying to make yourself tired. You look at Harry and he is sound asleep. "Haz" you whisper. He didn't reply. "Harry" you say a little louder. No reply. "Harry!" You pretty much shout. "Hmmm" he answers and opens one eye. "I can't sleep" you say. Harry moves his arm and put it under you and rolls you over to him. He holds you and kisses your cheek, then your forehead and you lips and you are welcomed by his warmth. "Go to sleep baby" he says and you cuddle deeper into his chest. You are drowned in sleep.

Liam- on the plane ride to America, you were sitting next to Liam and Louis and were wide awake. Louis was asleep, so were the other boys, even Liam, but you just couldn't sleep. Liam stirred in his sleep, and opened an eye to see you sleeping. "Can't sleep?" He asked. "Hmm" you sighed in disappointment. "Come here" he said patting his lap. You climbed over and sat in his lap. You rested your head on his chest, and suddenly you felt a blanket go over you. "Better?" He asked and you nodded and with that you fell asleep.

Louis- you turned for about the twentieth time tonight. "Babe will you stay still" Louis' sleepy voice groaned. "I can't sleep" you said and Louis huffed. He slowly got up out of bed. "Where are you going?" You asked shocked. "You haven't had your cup of tea yet love. Come on. I'll make you one" he said. You got out of bed and had your cup of tea on the lounge with Lou. But instead of going back upstairs you both fell asleep on the lounge.

Zayn- when you can't sleep at night, all you can do is either suck it up or take some sleeping tablets. There is no hope getting zayn up. But if he is awake and you are not asleep, he will cuddle you and help you fall asleep and relax.

Niall- you have a stressful day and were finding it hard to fall asleep even though you were tired. Niall noticed because out of no where he kissed you lightly. "What was that for?" You ask. "To help you relax" he commented then rolled you over so you were facing his chest and started rubbing your arm lightly. "Just relax and go to sleep" he said and started humming truly madly deeply until you fell asleep.

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