You meet the other boys before you wanted.

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Harry- you decided to drop Harry off at the studio because you wanted to go shopping and your car was getting fixed. When you were out shopping you got a call from Harry saying that he was finished early and that he wanted you to pick him up so you quickly got the items you needed and went off the get Harry. When you picked him up the boys all rushed over to the car before Harry wondering who you were. "Ohh... Umm I'm..." You didn't know what to say because you didn't want to tell anyone yet. "She is my girlfriend. But only you boys know and I intend to keep it that way till (Y/N) wants to tell everyone" Harry said getting in the he passenger side and kissing your cheek. "Hi" you say shyly. "There is no reason to be shy around us" Louis said putting his head in the window and smiling like an idiot. "I'm sorry but he is my best friend and I can't really tell him off cause he will probably scare you more" Harry said with a smile. "That fine" you say smiling. "So what's for dinner Harry? I suppose you want to introduce us all to your new lady?" Niall asked putting his head beside Louis's head. "Uhh if you want I... Can order uhh.. Pizza" you say shrugging. "Done see you at 6" Louis said and you went home speechless

Liam- you just got up and Liam was making breakfast. You knew that England was playing so he would be up watching the game, so you suspected noise. But when you heard more than just one voice which was not Liam's, you freaked out, because you didn't want everyone to know about your relationship yet. So you just took your time making the bed and getting ready. As you out the pillows back on the bed Niall came in and stoped when he say you. "Uhh hi who are you?" He asked. "Oh... I... Am ... Oh I am Liam's cousin!" You said blushing. "Ohh hey I'm Niall" he said. "Oh really didn't notice" you say faking a laugh. "Wanna come down stairs?" He asked. "Uh just let me brush my hair"

"It's already brushed. It's in a braid?" He said confused.

"I mean my teeth" you said again pointing to the bathroom. "But you need to have breakfast." He said taking your hand and walking you to the kitchen.

As you walked by Niall introduced you to the boys. "Oi guys this is Liam's cousin!" He said hugging you and Liam just looked at you with wide eyes so you gave him an apologetic smile. "I thought we already met your cousins, and they were younger, and not as attractive" Harry said and you just blushed and put your head down. Liam walked up to you and kissed you. "Bro that's just nasty! Kissing your cousin like serio-" Louis started. "(Y/N) and I are dating. She isn't my cousin. But this relationship stays between us. No telling anyone!" Liam warned. "All good. And damn Liam scored!" Harry said winking. "Go get food curly!" Liam demanded.

Louis- you and Louis had just started dating and no one knew, not even the boys, because Louis wanted to protect you from the mean fans, and you didn't want to loose your privacy yet. So at one of the concerts, Louis bought you backstage passes and got to go into the dressing room to 'meet the boys' but as a fan. Not at Louis's girlfriend. You were cheering them on, and acting like a normal fan, because you are one. The concert was coming to an end and you were excited to congratulate Louis on his performance. As the other fans came over to go to the dressing room and meet the boys, you just stood back and waiting for Louis. "Hi girls" Liam said hugging you all. There were only 5 girls since there can't be too many in the dressing room. "Hi. I'm Jess" one of the girls said. "Hi I'm Alisha" another said. "Omg hi. I've always wanted to meet you. I'm Layla" one said. "I'm Zoe" another said. "And you must be (Y/N)" Louis said smiling at you. "Wow Louis how did you know?" Harry asked giving Louis a strange look. "She looks like a (Y/N)" he said. "And your boyfriend must have spectacular taste to have picked out that necklace for you. I mean wow! Amazing!!" He said knowing he got it for you. "Meh he has okay taste. But he is pretty sexy if you ask me. Those blue eyes, the angelic voice, the killer smile and the muslces" you said making Louis blush, "oh are you talking about me? I'm flattered!" Niall said pretending to his his blush. "No you idiot she it talking about me!" Louis said hitting his head and leaving to boys and the girls shocked when he kissed you.

Niall- he had told you that he would be getting lunch with the boys today, so you took the opportunity to go out with the your friends to go shopping and also get lunch. As you went to to the shops with the girls and ended up going to nandos feeling a weird craving for chips. As you walked in, you saw Niall and the boys waiting in line and there were a few people between you. You quickly texted him, 'I really like how those jeans make you butt look ;)' and quickly put your phone away. As he and the boys were walking away, you could see him looking around confused. You stood behind your friends so he could see you and ordered and say on the other side of the restaurant and you could see his perfectly. 'Oh and did I mention that shirt makes your arms looks bigger too? ;)'. 'Where are you and how do you know what I'm wearing?' He asked. 'I have my ways. ' you say and wait. 'Sneaky little girl just saw your beautiful smile. Say cheese' he said, "cheese" you say and don't even realise. "What?" You friends say. "Oh nothing" you say and get your food, "can (Y/N) please stand up!" You hear the voice of your boyfriends friend call. "Louis sit down you idiot!" Niall calls. "(Y/N), if you do not stand up I will read out what you have been texting Niall!" He said again. "Is that you (Y/N)?!" You friends asked and you stood up and answered there question. "There is Niall Horans girlfriend!" Louis announced. You just walked up to Louis and hit him over the head. "Do it again for me babe" Niall said winking. You hit him again. "So Harry does my but look good" Niall asked. "It does. And your arms looks bigger too" he said winking at you.


Sorry only didn't do zayns, couldn't think of anything else.

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