You have a bad day.

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Harry- you walk inside, close the door and collapse on the floor in a mess of tears. Harry walks up slowly, dropping to his knees in front of you, so you can crawl into his lap and tell him about your day.

Liam- you have a bad day and you tell Liam as soon as you finish work. When you get home, dinner will be ready, a warm scented bath will be ran and you favourite pjs and movies set so all you have to do is have a bath, eat dinner and watch movies.

Louis- when you have a bad day, he will do everything he can to cheer you up, whether it's telling jokes, saying cheesy pickup lines or hugging and kissing you. He will not give up till he sees a smile so he can be happy with you.

Zayn- he will be there. He will run you a bath, and sit on the bed ready for you to talk when you want to talk. He won't push you to talk, and he will make dinner and be there for you. Because he knows that you like to take your time and not have a worse day.

Niall- he will do his best. He will get you flowers and chocolate, order Chinese, buy Ben and jerrys, run you a bath and take a nice hot relaxing bath with you while you vent. He will give you advice and cuddle with you before bed, letting you take in his amazing niallish scent.

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