Your brother/sister meets him

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Harry- the day you came home with Harry, your parents absolutely loved him. But your sister, well she was obsessed with him. But obsessed was an understatement. She was hanging off his leg and asking random questions like what hair products he uses, what his favourite colour is, and if she can have his number. But as a trick, he gave her Louis' for a little payback for the prank he pulled the day before.

Liam- you were sitting down at dinner at your parents house when your brother came home from soccer practice. "Mum I'm home" he called out. He sat down across from Liam, and you could tell there was some tension in the air. He was always staring at Liam as if he had done something bad or he would do something bad. "(Y/B/N), stop staring at Liam." You yelled. After dinner your brother and Liam played FIFA together and it was as if Liam was dating your brother and not you.

Louis- you and Louis were babysitting your little sister (insert name), and she was sleeping. You were watching a movie when she woke up and came down stares. Normally she would sit in your lap and sleep, but instead she got her half empty bottle, hopped on the couch and snuggled up into Louis. "Aww she like you" you cued. "Haha I'm her favourite" he said and continued to watch the movie.

Zayn- your mother invited you over so your parents could meet your new boyfriend zayn. You were sitting around talking about anything when your brother sat down next to zayn. "Okay zayn. You hurt my sister, I hurt you" he said in a warning voice. You just sat back holing in the laughs while looking at your now scared boyfriend. "Yup" he managed to get out. Your brother walked off while your parents continued a conversation.

Niall- you were sitting on your sisters bed, while Niall tried to teach your little sister how to play little things on the guitar. After 2 hours on nonstop practising, Niall and your little sister held a little show for you both. Niall and your sister played while Niall sang with his beautiful angle voice. After that, your sister ran up to you. "Don't let him go. I like him" she whispered into your ear like it was top secret. "Don't worry, I don't plan on doing that" you said while looking at your amazing boyfriend.

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